Legal issues in perioperative nursing


FlashCards sobre Legal issues in perioperative nursing, criado por Elizabeth Then em 13-06-2018.
Elizabeth Then
FlashCards por Elizabeth Then, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Elizabeth Then
Criado por Elizabeth Then quase 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Deposition meaning taking sworn testimoney of a witness outside of court
Torts definition violations against an individual a wrong
Assault definition (torts) crime of violence against another person
Battery - intentional torts intentionally causing harm to another person
False imprisonment- Torts intentional confinement without legal authority
Defamation definition false statment that injuries someones reputation
Invasion of privacy right to control information about yourself
Negligence failure to act with prudence, that a reasonable person would exercise under the same circumstances
Liability state of being legally obliged and responsible
Plaintiff party who initiates the lawsuit
Defendant required to answer the complaint
Subpoena court order commanding a person or entity either to surrender documents to court
Perjury lying or making verifiably false statement under oath
Jury body of person convened to render a verdict on a legal qeustion
ACORN negligence legally, professionally, ethically accountable for all their actions in delivering care
responsibility vs accountability responsibility - act one undertakes accountability - higher level of responsibility, why care is expected
How do we asses breach of duty of care? 4 principles: did the duty of care exist? was the conduct below expected standard? did the breach result in damage to the pt? could this damage have been foreseen?
omission and commission omission - something was not done commission - something was done that should have not been done
Informed consent voluntary cover act performed legal capacity
surgical consent purposes ethical, legal, practical
legal principles that underpin consent implied, verbal, written


Classificação das Constituições
Viviana Veloso
Mecânica - cinética
Alessandra S.
Phrasal Verbs - Inglês #9
Eduardo .
Peter Ensi
Ética e Moral - introdução
Daniel Vieira Inácio
Atualidades Vestibular Enem 2
GoConqr suporte .
Princípios Expressos do Direito Administrativo
Davi Albino Damacena JR
Sistema Único de Saúde
Vanessa Campos
TGA - Teoria Clássica
Natanael Lima