Types of Storage Devices


FlashCards sobre Types of Storage Devices, criado por harrywinter em 07-10-2014.
FlashCards por harrywinter, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por harrywinter mais de 9 anos atrás

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Questão Responda
Cloud Storage. What Is Cloud Storage ? Cloud Storage. what is cloud storage ? cloud storage is where rather than keeping data stored on a physical storage it is a on-line service where all the data is stored on-line. Many companies such as Google Docs, Youtube and and even social networking sites like Facebook also use it.Cloud storage is called cloud storage because it can be accessed by any computer through the internet.
Internal storage. What Is Internal Storage ? Internal Storage Internal storage is most commonly known as the hard drive in a computer. This is the normally the primary storage of the computer and normally referred to as the hard drive. The hard drive uses magnetic imprints onto a disk that is then read. This is why if you place a magnet on a hard disk drive it erases all your data. Hard drives are normally around £40 but include moving parts that will eventually wear out. This is why phones use things such as sd cards and ram because its cheaper
Solid State Storage. What Is Solid Storage ? Solid State Storage Solid state storage (SSS) is a type of computer storage media that is made from silicon microchips. SSS stores data electronically instead of magnetically, as spinning hard. Solid-state storage can be found in three form factors: solid state drives (SSD), solid state cards (SSC), solid state modules (SSM). An important advantage of solid-state storage is the fact that it contains no mechanical parts, allowing data transfer to and from storage media to take place at a much higher speed and providing a more predictable lifespan for the storage media.
Physical Storage. What Is Physical Storage ? A data storage device is a device for recording storing information (data). Recording can be done using virtually any form of energy spanning from manual muscle power in handwriting, to acoustic vibrations in photographic recording, to electromagnetic energy modulating magnetic device and optical disks. Physical storage involves how data is written and organized on storage media; logical storage involves how OS and BIOS organize and view stored data.


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