Computational argumentation


FlashCards sobre Computational argumentation, criado por August Edström em 29-10-2018.
August Edström
FlashCards por August Edström, atualizado more than 1 year ago
August Edström
Criado por August Edström mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is the key difference between classical logics and nonmonotonic logics? – Why can we not just use classical logic to model defeasible reasoning? Nonmonotonic logics define consequence notion for defeasible reasoning -Cant handle contradicting information??
In argumentation, what is the difference between a rebutting attack and an undercutting attack? Undercutting is indirect in the sense of attacking the inference. Provides exception to the proposed rule that inference is based upon. Whereas rebutting is an attack on the conclusion itself
Take an application of modus ponens in classical logic. Provide the knowledge base K, the ruleset R = Rs ÈRd and the argument A that captures this application. ?
Take the argumentation framework from slide 27 – Give the preferred and grounded extension(s) ...
Why does an “off the shelf” named entity recognition algorithm not work well on user generated content (e.g. crime reports submitted to the police)? Spelling mistakes, telegram styles, bad punctuation (human factor)
What is an admissable set of arguments? – it is conflict-free: There are no arguments a and b in A, such that a attacks b. – the arguments in A are acceptable with respect to A: For all arguments a in A, such that there is an argument b that attacks a, there is an argument g in A that attacks b.
Explain preferred extensions An admissible set of arguments is a preferred extension if it is an admissible set that is maximal with respect to set inclusion.
Explain grounded extensions A conflict-free set of arguments is a stable extension if all arguments that are not in the set are attacked by an argument in the set.


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