League of Nations Q & A (4 & 6 mark)


iGCSE History (League of Nations) FlashCards sobre League of Nations Q & A (4 & 6 mark), criado por Drew Bott em 21-02-2019.
Drew Bott
FlashCards por Drew Bott, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Drew Bott
Criado por Drew Bott aproximadamente 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Describe the role of the league of Nations in the upper Silesia dispute of 1920 - 21 (4) ‘The dispute was between Germany and Poland.’ / The League held six weeks of discussions & decided that the territory should be shared.’ 1921, the League organised a plebiscite.’ (‘700 000 voted in favour of Germany, 480 000 voted for Poland.’) ‘The League decided that Germany should have just over half the territory.’ ‘The League decided that Poland would receive the mainly industrial area.’
Describe the work of the League of Nations in the 1920s in relation to health (4) It collected and reviewed information about global infectious diseases (1) e.g typhus in Poland & Russia (2) / Assisted with setting up health care sytems (3) e.g in China from 1925 (4) / ORagnised a global campaign on increasing awareness of sanitation.
Why was the League of Nations ineffective in resolving the Corfu Crisis? (6) Expl 1: Italy was a more powerful European country so members of the League wanted to avoid an escalation into war so made concessions Exp 2: It did not have the means by which to stop Italy - it had no standing army & Britain & France were still recovering from WWI
Describe events in Vilna in 1920 (4) ‘Polish troops seized Vilna.’ (1) ‘Lithuania appealed to the League of Nations &The League told the Polish troops to leave.’ (2) ‘The League of Nations tried to arrange a plebiscite to decide Vilna’s future.’ (3)‘The Polish government agreed but then changed its mind.’ ‘The Poles refused to leave Vilna.’ (4) ‘Britain and France did not want to get involved in the dispute over Vilna.’
Why did the League of Nations not impose sanctions against Japan following the Mukden Incident? (6) Expl 1: Fear of repercussions - Britain & France both feared reprisal by Japan on their interests (colonies) in the Far East which could upset trade. Expl 2: Economic - the world depression saw nations adopt economic nationalism. Sanctions might hurt them more than they hurt Japan.
What was the role of the League Council? [4] The Council was the 'executive' *decision making dody of the League (1) ‘The Council dealt with emergencies.’ and / or to deal with any disputes.’ (2) ‘It hoped to solve the problem by arbitration (3) ’ ‘The Council could take action against a member by imposing sanctions e.g (moral / economic / military force).’ (4)
Why was leadership of the League weak from the start? [6] Expl 1: Absence of USA. US the only nation with the resources or the influence to make the League work. e.g trade sanctions would be useless if countries could still trade with the USA.’ Expl 2: Self-Interest of Britain & France: neither had the appetite e.g Vilna , Corfu, Rhur invasion / both weakened by war and economically 'fragile'. Expl 3: Too Eurocentric - only Japan a permanent member and no Russia. Global?
Describe how collective security was intended to work [4] All League members agreed to Article 10 - no league member to attack another League member (2) This was the basis of Collective security. If one did, the other members of the League would assist the 'victim & apply sanctions on the aggressor.
What difficulties did Britain and France face as the main leaders of the League of Nations? [4] Legacy of WWI - left both countries weakened economically and militarily [2] / Convincing their respective populations it was a 'good idea' was difficult [3] / Reluctant without the backing of the US [4]
Why did some major powers not join the League? [6] Expl 1: US Congress voted against it. They didn't want to be economically and politically 'limited' by involvement in European affairs. Sanctions could harm US Trade. Expl 2: Germany a defeated Nation not permitted. Had to 'prove' itself. Did join in 1926. Expl 3: Russia. Revolution in 1917 - turned communist - also not permitted (fear of communism in 1920s - Red Scare)


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