
FlashCards sobre Sem título, criado por evelyn bautista em 24-11-2014.
evelyn bautista
FlashCards por evelyn bautista, atualizado more than 1 year ago
evelyn bautista
Criado por evelyn bautista mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
it is used with: names births ages marital status nationalities addressess professions descriptions emotions locations
actions happening in the moment 2.temporary activities future arregenments time expressions on mondays on fridays, on weekends from mondays to fidays once a week twice a week theree times in the morning, in the afternoons at midnights at middays once in a while
backgrounnds events temporary past actions interrupted actions tim,e expresions
habits costumbs and routines facts and general true feeling and opìnions frequency adverbs: time expresions
completed situations in the past past habits that is not longer true a past state that has changed a single action in the past
action started in the past and continuous now 2.action completed in the indefinited past 3.repeated action in the indifinite past emphasize that an action finished at an indefinite time in the past. 5.action not done in the past but the intention to do it in the future exists. *time expresions* *for,since,all day, all my life etc *recently, this week, lately, this moth, this year *twice, 2 times, several times, many times *already *yet *question words* how long? *ever how many times? *already *yet
an action or activity that started in the past and continuous in the present *a reason activity when the activity is more important to result to express an action that began the past and still continuing
will, going to may/ may not might/might not future will we used when talk about future prediction based in a personal view points *we use going to when talk about future predictions or based in strong evidences *might/might not= posible future events
we used the past perfect to talk about a completed action that happened before another action in the past *we form the past perfect with subject + had+ past participle


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