

Instructor Sudanese (Rotation One Vocabulary Lists (Lessons 9-23)) FlashCards sobre SD_R1_L27, criado por Adlan Abdelaziz em 25-07-2022.
Adlan Abdelaziz
FlashCards por Adlan Abdelaziz, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Adlan Abdelaziz
Criado por Adlan Abdelaziz quase 2 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
شفناكي we saw you
ما شفناكي we didn't see you
قدرت I was able to
ما قدرت I wasn't able to
أحضر I attend
ما قدرت أحضر I wasn't able to attend
ولدي my son
سلامته hope he gets well soon
اتعرّفنا على we were introduced to
‬عروسه his bride
صور pictures
فتحت I opened / logged in
فيسبوك Facebook
ختّيتي you put (fem.)
بنت عم cousin (fem.- paternal)
ديل these
سفير ambassador (masc.)
ابنه his son
تركيا Turkey
عدد number
عدد المعازيم number of invitees
حيرجع he will return
لأن because
لأنهم because it (fem.)
ليه .... بالذات؟ ‬ particular?
شركات السياحة travel agencies
عروض offers
رخيصة cheap (fem.)
سفر traveling
إقامة accommodation / residence
بتشمل السفر والإقامة includes accommodation and travel (all inclusive)
جبتوا you brought (pl.)
قولوا لي (tell me)


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