
FlashCards sobre Sem título, criado por ani.raz em 11-02-2014.
FlashCards por ani.raz, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por ani.raz mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
María gave her sister a teddy bear. Gave is a Ditransitive verb. Teddy bear=d.o. Her sister=i.o.
The teddy bear was dirty The teddy=dirty (Subjective complement) Linking Verb
The tower fell The tower fell (it has no complement and it can be followed by an adverbial complement of how, where, why, etc.) Intransitive
She told him a story. She told him(i.o) a story(d.o.) (There can only be an indirect object if there is a direct object) Ditransitive
Pedro ate a cake. Ate is a monotransitive verb. A cake= d.o.
The teacher thought her intelligent. Thought is a Complex Transitive Verb. Her= d.o. Intelligent=Objective complement.
They painted the house white. Painted is a Complex Transitive Verb. The house= d.o. white=objective complement.


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