Natural Law Strengths and Weaknesses


Natural Law Strengths and Weaknesses
Hannah Grinnall
FlashCards por Hannah Grinnall, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Hannah Grinnall
Criado por Hannah Grinnall mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Strengths Deontological- based on universal rules so apply to everyone. primary precepts give guidelines. Fixed set rules = everyone treated equally. 2ndary precepts make it flexible. Clear and easy to follow. Based on reason so open to all. Primary precepts give rules every civilized society should aspire to.
Weaknesses Questionable whether open to all as Catholics follow it. May not be able to determine purpose, only human. Not everyone capable of reason (Alzheimer's). May be outdated. Not everyone desires good (Psychopaths) Doesn't take personal circumstances into consideration (young girl raped wouldn't be allowed abortion) 2ndary precepts turn deontological relative. If God doesn't exist there's no telos and no natural law. (counter argument- possible to follow by basing on science and patterns in nature)


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