Context of Romeo and Juliet


FlashCards sobre Context of Romeo and Juliet, criado por Tolu Olowo em 09-11-2016.
Tolu Olowo
FlashCards por Tolu Olowo, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Tolu Olowo
Criado por Tolu Olowo mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What kind of society was Romeo and Juliet set in ? A patriarchal society
When was Romeo and Juliet set ? In the 1591 (1500)
What does a Patriarchal society mean ? It is a society where men are more superior and the leading figure and women are seen as inferior and men were more powerful
What wher the main religions and why is this important There was protestant and catholic people in 1500 were religious and believed that life was sacred and therefore suicide was a sin to God
What is the relationship between a mother and her child? They did not have a strong bond like Juliet did not have a strong bond with her mother she was closer to her wet nurse which looked after her all her life.
Who where Children raised by and how does this impact Juliet's behaviour? Juliet was raised by her wet nurse this could explain why she has no real problem with going against her parents as she does not have a strong bond with thm
Why did people get married ? They got married for wealthy and social status like Shiela and Gerald in 'An Inspector Calls'
What were the 2 main punishment given in 1500 to crimes Banishment and death
What did most people belive about there future it is written in the stars and therefore the stars foreshadow they life


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