10 Manager Roles


FlashCards sobre 10 Manager Roles, criado por suttona4 em 12-05-2014.
FlashCards por suttona4, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por suttona4 quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is the Monitor Role and what category is it in? In the informational role: seek and receives info, scan, periodicals and reports and maintains personal contacts.
What is the Disseminator Role and what category is it in? In the Informational Role: Gives forward information to other organization members; send memos and reports, and makes phone calls
What is the Spokesperson Role and what category is it in? In the Informational Category: Transmits information to outsiders through speeches, reports, and memos
What is the Figurehead Role and what category is it in? It is in the Interpersonal category: performs ceremonial and symbolic duties such as greeting visitors, and signing legal documents.
What is the Leader Role and what category is it in? In the Interpersonal Category: directs and motivates subordinates; train, counsel, and communicates with subordinates.
What is the Liaison Role and what category is it in? It is in the Interpersonal category: Maintain information links both inside and outside the organization, using email, phone calls, and meetings.
What is the Entrepreneur Role and what category is it in? It is in the Decisional Category: initiate improvement projects; identifies new ideas, delegates ideas responsibility to others
What is the Disturbance handler Role and what category is it in? It is in the decisional category: takes corrective action during disputes or crisis; resolve conflicts among subordinates adapt to environmental crises.
What is the Resource Allocator Role and what category is it in? Decide who gets resources schedule, budgets, and sets priorities.
What is the Negotiator Role and what category is it in? It is in the Decisional Role: Represents department during negotiation of union contracts, purchases, budgets; represent departmental interests.


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