Controlled drugs and reccomendations from the shipman enquiry.


Mapa Mental sobre Controlled drugs and reccomendations from the shipman enquiry., criado por curtism3 em 01-06-2013.
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Resumo de Recurso

Controlled drugs and reccomendations from the shipman enquiry.
  1. As an NMP
    1. Changes to Misuse of drugs Act in 2012 mean NMP are able to prescribe from Schedules 2-5 for any medical condition within their competence.
      1. Schedule 1~ possession and supply prohibited except in accordance with home office authority. Not used medicinally ie LSD.
        1. Schedule 2~ Subject to the full controlled drugs requirements. Locked up and registered. Diamorphine, Morphine , Methadone.
          1. Schedule 3~ Same prescription requirements as 2 but no requirement to register. Temazepam, Oramorph if less than 13 mg per 5ml
            1. Schedule 4~ CD prescription requirements, no register.
              1. Schedule 5~ Because of strength exempt from all CD requirements, except to keep invoices for 2 years.
                1. The Misuse of Drugs (Supply to Addicts) Regulations 1997 require that only medical practitioners who hold a special licence issued by the home secretary may prescribe administer or supply diarmorphine,dipipanone or cocaine in the treatment of addiction.
                  1. Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. Misuse of Drugs Regulation 2001
                  2. Writing a controlled drugs prescription
                    1. Do not prescribe beyond your limits of competence and experience
                      1. Signed and dated in indelible ink with prescribers address and contact number.
                        1. Must always have Full name and address of patient
                          1. The form and strength of any preparation.
                            1. The total quantity in words and figures
                              1. The dose.
                                1. Recommendations from The Shipman enquiry 2000, The Governments response to the Fourth report published April 2006.
                                  1. Prescriptions for CDs to be uniquely marked
                                    1. Standardisation of private and NHS CD prescription
                                      1. The registration number of the prescriber will be identified on any CD prescription.
                                        1. Only valid for 28 days
                                          1. Patients NHS number to be included on all prescriptions
                                            1. GWH Policy on intranet.
                                              1. Communication made with GP must be made the same day or if overnight / weekend - information should be available the next working day.
                                          2. Do not prescribe for yourself.Do not prescribe for someone close to you except in exceptional circumstances.
                                            1. Max 30 days supply except S5 drugs.
                                            2. Mel Curtis 97002066


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