1832 reform act


Mapa Mental sobre 1832 reform act, criado por Chelsea Knox em 20-12-2017.
Chelsea Knox
Mapa Mental por Chelsea Knox, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Chelsea Knox
Criado por Chelsea Knox mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

1832 reform act
  1. Successes of the 1832 reform act
    1. 67 new constituencies were created
      1. Manchester now had an MP
        1. 56 rotten boroughs were abolished
          1. Another 30 boroughs lost one of their two MPs
            1. Implemented national rules
          2. Limitations of the 1832 reform act
            1. Out of 14 million people, 13 million people still couldn't vote
              1. Five out of 6 adult men could not vote and all women were still disenfranchised
                1. No secret ballot
                  1. MPs still had to own property
                    1. Many large towns still didn't have an MP
                      1. MPs were still unpaid


                      2. Poderes administrativos
                      Direito ambiental
                      GoConqr suporte .
                      Arte do Renascimento Séc.XV - XVI
                      Termos Técnicos Da Área Da Informática
                      Guilhermre Bertol
                      Glossário de Direito Empresarial
                      Daniella Paulino
                      SISTEMA NERVOSO
                      Luiza Donatelli
                      Luíza Cristina
                      Grandes Navegações e Período Pré-Colonial (1490 - 1540)
                      Isadora Borges
                      Memória Computacional
                      Filipe Gabriel
                      Citações para Redação - ENEM
                      Jayne Torres