Surgery of the Alimentary Tract


Anaesthesia + Surgery Mapa Mental sobre Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, criado por sarah.denise em 04-06-2013.
Mapa Mental por sarah.denise, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por sarah.denise quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Surgery of the Alimentary Tract
  1. GDV (Gastric Dilation Volvulus Syndrome)
    1. Clinical signs: restlessness, distended abdomen, depression, salivation, retching, flank watching, collapse, tachycardia, pale MMs + increased CRT
      1. Deep chested breeds: GSD, Pointers, Greyhounds. Normally fed + then exercised
        1. Gastropexy
          1. Decompress stomach with tube/trocarize with 16-18G needle
            1. Surgery: decompress stomach, return it to normal position, evaluate organs
              1. Splenectomy may be indicated
              2. Complications: peritonitis, seromas, gut ileus, wound dehiscence, vomiting, wound infection
                1. Close monitoring - guarded prognosis!
                  1. IV fluids until eating well, gradual introduction of food (bland) on vets discretion.
                    1. Prevent: never exercise after food, feed from height, feed twice daily
                    2. Foreign Bodies
                      1. Clinical signs: vomiting, anorexia, dehydration, abdominal discomfort
                        1. Radiography, contrast media, palpation
                          1. Ex-Lap, Gastrotomy, Enterotomy, Enterectomy
                            1. Followed by abdominal lavage
                              1. Use of omentum
                              2. Anastomosis
                                1. Post-op care: IV fluids until eating well, small bland meals, observation for V+D, monitor for signs of peritonitis, gradual intro of normal diet
                                  1. Linear FBs
                                  2. Intussusception
                                    1. Invagination of one part of the intestine into the other
                                      1. Causes: Enteritis, intestinal parasites, FBs, neoplasia, previous surgery
                                        1. CSs: Vomiting, diarrhoea, dehydration, abdominal pain, tenesmus
                                          1. Surgery: milking, if not then anastomis and enteroplication to preven future reoccurances
                                            1. Post-op care: as for FBs


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