Chapter 1 Reading


AP US Government AP US Government Mapa Mental sobre Chapter 1 Reading, criado por Emily Ragan em 09-01-2015.
Emily Ragan
Mapa Mental por Emily Ragan, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Emily Ragan
Criado por Emily Ragan mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Chapter 1 Reading
  1. Government
    1. Definition: institutions that make public policy decisions
      1. Role of government
        1. Maintain national defense
          1. Provide public goods and services
            1. Collective goods: goods and services that are available to everyone
              1. Example: highways
            2. Preserve order
              1. Collect taxes
                1. Socialize the young
              2. Politics
                1. Policymaking System
                  1. Democracy in America
                    1. Scope of Government in America


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