Theatre Practitioners


BTEC Level 3 Performing Arts Mapa Mental sobre Theatre Practitioners, criado por aaron2324 em 09-03-2015.
Mapa Mental por aaron2324, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por aaron2324 aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Theatre Practitioners
  1. Stanislavski
    1. "Method Acting"
      1. - Magic If
        1. -Emotional Memory
          1. - Given Circumstances
            1. -Objective/ Super Objective
              1. - Subtext
                1. - Method of Physical Actions
                2. Brecht
                  1. "Epic Theatre"
                    1. -The Alienation Technique
                      1. - Reminds audience they're watching a play,
                        1. - Makes audience question what they see,
                          1. - Actors present character as narration of actions.
                            1. - No emotional attachment to characters.
                            2. Artaud
                              1. "Theatre of Cruelty"
                                1. - Surrealism
                                  1. - Gesture/Dance
                                    1. -Actor/Audience were intimate
                                      1. -Emphasis on light and sound
                                        1. -Actors encouraged to use emotion
                                2. Boal
                                  1. "Theatre of the Opressed"
                                    1. -Image Theatre
                                      1. -Forum Theatre
                                        1. -Legsilative Theatre
                                          1. -Rainbow of Desire
                                    2. Berkoff
                                      1. "In-yer-face Theatre" or "Experitential Theatre"
                                        1. -Shocks audience
                                          1. -Crosses boundaries
                                            1. -Extremist language/images
                                              1. -Questions moral norms


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