Economic System


My mind map for my assignment
Sabrina Chowdhury
Mapa Mental por Sabrina Chowdhury, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Sabrina Chowdhury
Criado por Sabrina Chowdhury aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Economic System
  1. Trade Show System
    1. FrameWorks
      1. the company members go to the market pay to buy materials to manufacture products
        1. -thats money goes to:
          1. Paying taxes to government
                1. Buying products for the store to sell
                  1. Oil industry for the car usage
                2. Company sell products
                  1. Customers pay to buy product
                    1. that money goes to:
                      1. Paying back company members expenses
                        1. Profit divided by the company members evenly
                          1. profit is used to buy other products for personal matters
                            1. Paying taxes to government
                              1. Employees, Manager
                                1. Keep the store running
                      2. Everyday Life Systems
                        1. Market, Retail Stores, Restaurants
                          1. Consumers pay money
                            1. - that money goes to:
                              1. Employees, Manager
                                1. Buying products for the store to sell
                                  1. Keep the store running
                                    1. Paying taxes to government
                                2. Transportation System
                                    1. -that money goes to:
                                      1. Oil Industry
                                        1. Bus drivers, pilots, air hosts, etc
                                          1. -transportation manufacturing companies
                                            1. Government taxes
                                        2. Education system
                                          1. -students learn
                                            1. -Teachers teach
                                              1. -Government pays teachers' salary
                                              2. -students' family pay taxes for food, home, etc.
                                                1. Consumers pay money
                                                  1. Consumers pay money to travel


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