Simple Future


Mapa Mental sobre Simple Future, criado por Ricardo Ponce em 30-09-2020.
Ricardo Ponce
Mapa Mental por Ricardo Ponce, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ricardo Ponce
Criado por Ricardo Ponce mais de 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Simple Future
  1. Auxiliar
    1. WILL
      1. doesn´t have meaning
        1. Help us to talk in future
        2. Modal verbs
          1. No cambia con las personas
            1. Siempre van acompañados de un V.F.S.
        3. When we use simple future
          1. 1.- Rapid decisions
            1. Tomar decisiones rapidas
              1. In spontaneous way
                1. Ok, I´m late to job. I will take a taxi
                  1. Which one? Umm, I will have the chicken sandwich please
              2. 2.- Predictions
                1. We express personal point of view about the future
                  1. This tournament the Cruz Azul will be champion
                    1. I think the mocie will be interesting
                  2. 3.- Promise or threat
                    1. Make offers
                      1. You look tired, I will finish your housework for you.
                        1. I will love you forever
                          1. If you finish my homework, I will pay you
                        2. 4.- To refuse something
                          1. Say not to something
                            1. Won´t
                              1. I won´t listen anything that you tell me
                          2. GRAMMAR STRUCTURE
                            1. Positive
                              1. =)
                                1. Will
                                  1. V.F.S.
                                    1. Complement
                                      1. Armando will do the dishes in the afternoon.
                                        1. The 3B group will pass with 10 English class.
                                          1. I will go to the concert next weekend
                                      2. Negative
                                          1. Will not / won´t
                                            1. V.F.S.
                                              1. Complement
                                                1. You won´t go to the party next Saturday
                                                  1. He won´t be your boyfriend
                                                    1. We won´t have holidays in December
                                                2. Interrogative
                                                  1. Will
                                                      1. V.F.S.
                                                        1. Complement
                                                          1. ?
                                                            1. wILL YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND?
                                                              1. wILL HE COME TO THE PARTY?
                                                                1. wILL THEY FAIL THE SEMESTER?
                                                                  1. Yes, they will
                                                                  2. Yes, He will
                                                                    1. No, he won´t
                                                                    2. yES, i WILL
                                                                      1. No, I won´t


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