Spelling Guide


Mapa Mental por melidani980315, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por melidani980315 aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Spelling Guide
  1. Quaterback
    1. Mariscal de campo
      1. I am going to be quaterback
    2. Synchronized
      1. Sincrinizado
        1. I am swim synchronized
      2. Breaststroke
        1. Brazada de pecho
          1. In the clss swim learned breastroke
        2. Sweepstake
          1. Pozo
            1. In the sweepstake i found five coins
          2. Distributive
            1. Distributivo
              1. My teacher is going to teach a distributive equation
            2. Polyhedron
              1. Poliedro
                1. We will a paint a beautiful polyhedron
              2. Qualitative
                1. Cualitativo
                  1. My favorite person is going to do a qualitative jump
                2. Paralympics
                  1. Juegos Paralimpicos
                    1. I am going to plat in the paralympics
                  2. Immigration
                    1. Imigracion
                      1. The people going to immigration today
                    2. Cretaceous
                      1. Cretacico
                        1. My friend is going to back to period cretaceous
                      2. Anchorperson
                        1. Conductor
                          1. My anchoperson is good in his job
                        2. Associative
                          1. Asociativo
                            1. My bussines are going to be really associative
                          2. Gymnastic
                            1. Gimnasia
                              1. My frind have class the gymnastic
                            2. Rhomboidal
                              1. Romboidal
                                1. My sister is going to paint a romboidal figure
                              2. Approximate
                                1. Aproximado
                                  1. The system will apreoximat my grade to 7
                                2. Calisthenics
                                  1. Calistenia
                                    1. He will do the calisthenics for the match
                                  2. Somersault
                                    1. Voltereta
                                      1. My friend is good in the somersault
                                    2. Whole Number
                                      1. Numero entero
                                        1. Im going to used a whole number in my equation
                                      2. Quarterfinals
                                        1. Cuartos de final.
                                          1. My team are go to the quarterfinals
                                        2. Polynomial
                                          1. Polinomial
                                            1. Im will learn how to opperater polynomial
                                          2. Isothermal
                                            1. Isotermico
                                              1. The will be an isothermical problem
                                            2. Acclimation
                                              1. Aclimatacion
                                                1. My aparment are will have aclimation
                                              2. Probability
                                                1. Probabilidad
                                                  1. He will probably call you later
                                                2. Scrimmage
                                                  1. Linea de golpeo
                                                    1. Romeo is gong to hitting the ballon in the scrimmage
                                                  2. Backstroke
                                                    1. Espalda
                                                      1. The backstroke is used for the kings
                                                    2. Goalkeeper
                                                      1. Arquero
                                                        1. He is going to stop to the two balls
                                                      2. Touchdown
                                                        1. Ensayo
                                                          1. I am going to prepared to the touchdown


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