Spelling bee 2


Mind Map on Spelling bee 2, created by Luis Castro on 29/04/2015.
Luis Castro
Mind Map by Luis Castro, updated more than 1 year ago
Luis Castro
Created by Luis Castro about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Spelling bee 2
  1. Quarterback
    1. Mariscal de campo
      1. The quarterback was responsible for the team win the match
    2. Synchronize
      1. sincronizar
        1. We were dancing but we cannot synchronize each other.
      2. Sweepstakes
        1. sorteos
          1. I participated in sweepstakes at school and I won a car
        2. polyhedron
          1. poliedro
            1. they study geometry with the sum of polyhedron
          2. Breaststroke
            1. Nado de pecho
              1. I practice breaststroke in the pool every day
            2. qualitative
              1. cualitativo
                1. we use qualitative law in mathematics
              2. paralympic
                1. paralimpico
                  1. We travel to see the Paralympics
                2. distributive
                  1. distributivo
                    1. I use the distributive law in mathematics examination
                  2. asymptotic
                    1. I draw an oval in mathematics with asymptotes
                      1. asintota
                      2. immigration
                        1. inmigración
                          1. Colombian immigration in America is destroying the country
                        2. cretaceous
                          1. cretáceo
                            1. I trip to Cretaceous in a time machine
                          2. gymnastic
                            1. gimnástico
                              1. my friends are gymnasts who go daily to the gym
                            2. somersault
                              1. voltereta
                                1. I do somersaults in the park every day
                              2. quarterfinals
                                1. cuartos de final
                                  1. dallas wont arrive to the quarterfinals in the playoffs
                                2. associative
                                  1. Asociativo
                                    1. I mathematics associative is a law of operations
                                  2. rhomboidal
                                    1. romboidal
                                      1. in geometric i see rhomboidal things
                                    2. backstroke
                                      1. reves
                                        1. i do not know what backstroke is
                                      2. approximate
                                        1. aproximar
                                          1. 1.7 approximate to 2
                                        2. coefficient
                                          1. coeficiente
                                            1. the coeficient of friction is miu
                                          2. polynomial
                                            1. polinomio
                                              1. i hate make polynomial excerises
                                            2. whole number
                                              1. numero entero
                                                1. 1 is a whole number
                                              2. symmetrical
                                                1. simetrico
                                                  1. a circle is symmetrical
                                                2. calisthenics
                                                  1. calistenia
                                                    1. i hate calisthenics
                                                  2. acclimation
                                                    1. aclimatacion
                                                      1. the nba court have a acclimation for each game
                                                    2. goalkeeper
                                                      1. arquero
                                                        1. casillas is a goalkeeper
                                                      2. probability
                                                        1. probabilidad
                                                          1. the probability of have flu is high
                                                        2. touchdown
                                                          1. anotacion
                                                            1. the patriots win for 1 touchdown of difference versus seahawks
                                                          2. scrimmage
                                                            1. Pelea
                                                              1. I scrimmage every time
                                                            2. anchorperson
                                                              1. locutor
                                                                1. i learn to be anchorperson
                                                              2. isothermal
                                                                1. isotermico
                                                                  1. i saw a isothermic excerise in chemistry class
                                                                Show full summary Hide full summary


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