Native Indians' way of life


AS Level GCSE Stuff Mapa Mental sobre Native Indians' way of life, criado por hollyweber em 19-10-2013.
Mapa Mental por hollyweber, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por hollyweber mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Native Indians' way of life
  1. Family and marriage
    1. Band consisted of 10-50 members
      1. Men's duties
        1. Looking after horses
          1. Protecting the band
            1. Judged by...
              1. Skill as hunters
                1. Skill as warriors
                  1. Skill as horsemen
                2. Women's duties
                  1. Judged by...
                    1. Craft skills
                      1. Homemaking
                      2. The tipi
                        1. Preparing food
                          1. Fetching water
                            1. Making clothes and other items
                            2. Arranged marriages in some nations
                              1. Rich men had serval wives (POLYGAMY)
                                1. To ensure all woman were cared for
                                  1. So there was enough childern
                                2. Childern
                                  1. Highly valued
                                    1. Didn't go to school- learnt skills from parents
                                      1. Taught how to survive on plains
                                      2. Old people
                                        1. Gave advice in council
                                          1. Passed on history
                                            1. Involved in bringing up childern
                                              1. IF TOO WEAK/ OLD LEFT BEHIND
                                              2. Custom and tradition
                                                1. If someone broke rules
                                                  1. Would be shamed/ humiliated
                                                    1. An effective punishment
                                                    2. In extreme cases: would be banished
                                                  2. Decision making by council and chiefs
                                                    1. Cheifs
                                                      1. Were chosen because of...
                                                        1. Wisdom
                                                          1. Spiritual power
                                                            1. Hunting/ warrior skills
                                                            2. Great chiefs
                                                              1. Red cloud, sitting bull
                                                            3. Council
                                                              1. Important decisions made by council
                                                                1. Took advice from...
                                                                  1. Medicine man
                                                                    1. Chiefs
                                                                      1. Elders
                                                                      2. Smoked ceremonial pipe so spirits would help them make good decidions
                                                                    2. Buffalo
                                                                      1. Clothing
                                                                        1. Buffalo parts: Fur, tanned hide, rawhide and sinews
                                                                          1. Uses: Belts, bags, masks, clothes, snow shoes, jewwllery
                                                                          2. Homes
                                                                            1. Buffalo parts: intenstines, horns, fat, dung, bones
                                                                              1. Uses: buckets, cooking vessels, soap, knives, paint brushes, cups
                                                                              2. Religion
                                                                                1. Buffalo parts: dung, skull, gall, heart
                                                                                  1. Uses: smoked in special ceremonies, yellow paint, sacrifical
                                                                                  2. Warfare
                                                                                    1. Buffalo parts: heart, rawhide, bones, tail
                                                                                      1. Uses: to give warriors strength+ power of buffalo, shields, whips, arrowheads


                                                                                    Línea de Tiempo
                                                                                    Juan Ponce
                                                                                    Antiguo Régimen vs Estado Moderno
                                                                                    Juliana Pulido
                                                                                    The Plains Indians' and the Great Plains
                                                                                    Battle of Little BigHorn
                                                                                    Geography of the Great Plains
                                                                                    Native American's way of life 2
                                                                                    Segunda Guerra Mundial 1939-1945
                                                                                    Historia de la Música
                                                                                    Alicia Maqueira Atienza
                                                                                    Constitución Española (1978)
                                                                                    James Boyce
                                                                                    Historia de la psicología
                                                                                    Elizabeth Rs
                                                                                    lucia broncano