Temperate Coniferous Forest


Mapa Mental sobre Temperate Coniferous Forest, criado por danielhung3271 em 27-07-2015.
Mapa Mental por danielhung3271, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por danielhung3271 quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Temperate Coniferous Forest
  1. Structure
    1. 2 layers of vegetation
      1. Canopy
        1. Ground forest floor layer
          1. Ground cover limited - lack of sunlight, deep acidic layer of non-decomposed needles
            1. Thin layer of leaf litter
              1. Mosses, lichens, wood sorrel
                1. Needle-like leaves
          2. Adaptation
            1. Needle-like leaves
              1. Small - reduced exposed leaf surface area and thick cuticles on leaves
                1. Consequence - Reduced water loss through transpiration during strong winds/freezing weather (when water is frozen and unavailable for root absorption
                2. very little sap- tolerate freezing contitions
                3. Roots
                  1. Spreads out widely to take advantage of moisture in upper levels of ground, which only thaws occasioanally
                  2. Thick resinous bark
                    1. Protects trunk from extreme cold
                    2. Cones
                      1. Shield the seeds
                      2. Conical shape
                        1. Snow slide down without breaking branch
                          1. Provides stabiity against strong winds
                          2. Evergreen
                            1. Carry out year-round photosynthesis - produce food year round
                              1. Helps conserve energy, since production of leaves takes a lot of energy
                                1. More efficient to keep a leaf for several years
                              2. Diversity of Forest
                                1. Tree Species
                                  1. Rarely number more than 2 or 3 species per km square
                                    1. Extensive coverage of a single species eg spruce, fir, pine
                                      1. Lower latitude - mix of needleleaf and broadleaf evergreen trees
                                        1. Higher latitude - needleleaf trees predominate
                                        2. Trees grow close together for protection from wind
                                        3. Nutrient Cycle
                                          1. Cold climate and acidic soil discourage earthworms and bacteria
                                            1. Consequence - needles decompose slowly to give organic matter in soil with low pH (Acid mor humus)
                                            2. Total precipitation > Evotranspiration rate
                                              1. Leaching (minerals washed out of soil) occurs.
                                                1. Podsols develop. Podsols are infertile acidic soil, with ash-like subsurface
                                              2. Conifers require few nutrients


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