How Science-General can impact the lives and learning of adolescent learners


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Mapa Mental por Mr.P, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por Mr.P quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

How Science-General can impact the lives and learning of adolescent learners


      • Without advancements in science we would not have our modern technology.  Cell phones, computers, our cars, nearly all of our possessions are a result of technology and science. 
      1. FOOD


        • Advancements in Science have helped how we grow and produce food.  We can grow food during any time of the year, and grow crops that are resilient to pesticides and the environment to ensure growth.
        1. MEDICINCE


          • Science has driven the pursuit of modern medicine.  Once deadly diseases can be cured by the use of a pill, or vaccine allowing us to life longer and healthier lifestyles.
          1. COMMUNICATION


            • Science has impacted how we communicate.  Phones, computers, tablets have allowed us to share video conversations with a push of a button.  Emails and text messages can be sent instantaneously and social media can allows to share virtually anything we wish to everyone via the internet.   
          2. THE LEARNING
            1. LITERACY SKILLS


              • Literacy skills are developed in sciences by provided ample opportunities for students to read and share findings via the writing process.  It also requires students are able to understand the impact of the science they are studying and that comprehension is a type of literacy skill
              1. NUMERACY SKILLS


                • Science helps students to develop numeracy skills such as sorting, counting, data collections and others.  This skills are used in a variety of different subjects and professions.  
                1. CURRICULUM CROSSOVER


                  • The Science curriculum provides many opportunities for curriculum cross over.  Science can be found in math, physical education,  history and many others.  
                  1. INCLUSIVENESS


                    • Everyone can take something away from science class.  The ability of technology allows science to be presented in numerous forms and in ways that are interested in all students.
                    1. LIFE SKILLS


                      • On top of the points shown in this mind map, science incorporates life skills such as researching, collaboration, observation, and critical thinking skills.  These skills are sought after by many professions.


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