Skills of Effective Citizens


Robert Simpson2860
Mapa Mental por Robert Simpson2860, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Robert Simpson2860
Criado por Robert Simpson2860 mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Skills of Effective Citizens
  1. Economics
    1. Make a household budget
      1. Participate in formal debate
        1. Be a police officer
          1. Represent a defendant at a criminal trials
    2. History


      • History
      1. Analyze past battles
        1. Organize causes of events from BC
          1. Understand different religious beliefs and how they impact life
            1. Know the bill of rights
              1. Make a timeline
                1. Teach about Ancient Egyptians
                  1. Radio-carbon date the the age of dinasour bones
      2. Geography
        1. Map scale
          1. Work on protecting wildlife
            1. Support clean-water projects
              1. Captain a ship across the sea
                1. Write a travel guide to Indonesia
        2. Civics
          1. Gather evidence to choose position
            1. Write or sign a petition
              1. Contact your represenative
                1. To decide how many goods to sell this quarter
                  1. Go to a Political Rally
                    1. List effects of an invasion
                      1. Represent the US as an ambassador in Kenya
                        1. Run for city council
                          1. Work in a diamond mine in Sierra Leone


          A Psicologia ou as psicologias
          Direito Penal
          ERICA FREIRE
          Palácio das Memórias (técnica em 05 etapas) - SEJA O MESTRE DO SEU PALÁCIO
          Curiosidades da culinária
          Casa e Jardim
          História da Arte - Barroco
          Bruno Torrezan
          Philosophus Rex
          Direito Penal I - Questões para a prova
          Silvio R. Urbano da Silva
          O que estudar para Exame da Ordem
          GoConqr suporte .
          Comunicação Social para Concurseiros
          Ricardo Olimpio
          Músculos e ossos - Nível fácil
          Daniel Pereira
          Figuras de linguagem.
          Livia Oliveira