What is this?


Mapa Mental sobre What is this?, criado por gema maria sanchez lujan em 18-01-2022.
gema maria sanchez lujan
Mapa Mental por gema maria sanchez lujan, atualizado more than 1 year ago
gema maria sanchez lujan
Criado por gema maria sanchez lujan mais de 2 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

What is this?
  1. This is...
    1. Which group does it belong to?
      1. Is it a...
        1. ...Non living thing?
          1. A... Is a non living thing
            1. Is it ...
              1. ... Natural?
                1. It is natural
                2. ...man-made?
                  1. It is man made
            2. ...Living thing?
              1. A... Is a living thing
                1. What kind of living thing?
                  1. It is a animal
                    1. Is it...
                      1. Oviparous?
                        1. It's oviparous
                        2. Vivíparous?
                          1. It's viviparous
                      2. It is a plant
                        1. What kind of plant?
                          1. It's a tree
                            1. Is it...
                              1. Deciduous?
                                1. It's a deciduous
                                2. Evergreen?
                                  1. It's a evergreen
                              2. It's a bush
                                1. It's a grass
                              3. It's part of other organisms
                                1. What kind of organism?
                                  1. It's a fungi


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