The Celts and the Iron Age


Mapa Mental sobre The Celts and the Iron Age, criado por Adam Butler em 19-09-2015.
Adam Butler
Mapa Mental por Adam Butler, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Adam Butler
Criado por Adam Butler mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The Celts and the Iron Age
  1. began to control europe it 650 b.c.
    1. settled in Ireland about 500 b.c.
      1. Traded and fought with Greeks and Romans. how we know so much about them
      2. expert metal workers
        1. Ogham, basic alphabet-series of notches
          1. large pins or brooches made by skilled craftsmen
            1. Rich people
          2. Appearance
            1. clothes- men wore trousers called bracae and boots made of leather, during the summer. sleeveless shirt tied around the waist by belt or clip
              1. Winter- woolen cloak long sleeves- pennys best
                1. dyed with berries and plants to give stripes and patterens
                2. Women- long woolen dresses tied aroung the waist by a belt or buckle-shawl or heavy cloak - weather dependant, leather boots or sandles


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