

11 Yr 9-10 History (Australia in the Vietnam War Era) Mapa Mental sobre Conscription, criado por ElsienaKate em 03-04-2013.
Mapa Mental por ElsienaKate, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por ElsienaKate aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. National Service or 'Nashos'
    1. All men had to register when they reached the age of 20
      1. Men were selected through a ballot
        1. Based on birth dates
          1. Used anually to select 6 900 men who were then required to serve two years in the army
          2. 40% of Australian soldiers in Vietnam were conscripts
            1. Conscientious Objectors
              1. Someone who will not take part in military service
                1. For personal or religious reasons
                  1. Would have to prove in court that there were deep and compelling reasons why he could not serve
                  2. Save Our Sons
                    1. Direct response to conscription
                      1. Group of mothers formed organisationa called Save Our Sons
                        1. Members engaged in protest activies such as letter-writing, picketing government offices and protest rallies


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