Syrian Refugee Crisis


Mapa Mental sobre Syrian Refugee Crisis, criado por Gabrielle Thompson em 25-08-2016.
Gabrielle Thompson
Mapa Mental por Gabrielle Thompson, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Gabrielle Thompson
Criado por Gabrielle Thompson quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Syrian Refugee Crisis
  1. Explain Crisis
    1. Syrian Civil War
      1. Arab Spring Protest 2011
        1. Bashar al-Assad
          1. refused
            1. kept dictatorship
            2. battled rebellion
              1. torture
                1. gassing people with chemical weapons
            3. Refugees fled Syria
              1. Countries
                1. Turkey
                  1. Lebanon
                    1. Jordan
                      1. Egypt
                        1. Iran
                    2. Affected
                      1. global
                        1. Europe
                          1. rich countries
                            1. hardly helping
                            2. poorer countries
                              1. resources stretched thin
                            3. hardly helping
                              1. US
                                1. Australia
                                  1. Canada


                              Chapter 6 - Yom Kippur War 1973
                              Karima Ranieri
                              Chapter 8 - The PLO, Lebanon and the first Intifada
                              Karima Ranieri
                              War Effects in Syria
                              David Rsovac
                              War on Terror
                              Wesley Spearman
                              Syrian refugee crisis
                              War Effects in Syria
                              Rachel Gabriel
                              GEOGRAFIA - GEOPOLITICA
                              Enem 3
                              Robson Bueno
                              FCE Masterclass - U1 seeing verbs
                              Rosana Cabral
                              Transformações Químicas e Físicas
                              Andrea Barreto M. Da Poça