
Mapa Mental sobre Sem título, criado por JENNIFER ARROYO em 16-03-2014.
Mapa Mental por JENNIFER ARROYO, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por JENNIFER ARROYO mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. Signs and Symptoms
    1. Malaise
      1. Decreased appetiate
        1. Hot and dry skin
          1. Tender to touch L Lymph nodes
      2. Fever
        1. Erythematous throat
          1. Enlarged tonsils
            1. Diffuse Exudates
              1. Can cause Rheumatic Fever
      3. Management
        1. Antibiotic Therapy
          1. Amoxicillin or Penicillin are common drugs of choice
          2. Remedies
            1. Gargling with warm salt water
              1. REST
                1. Acetaminophen for fever and pain
                  1. Cold drinks and foods
            2. Surgical Route
              1. TONSILLECTOMY
            3. Charecteristics
              1. Definition
                1. Inflammation of the tonsills
                2. Types
                  1. Bacterial
                    1. Secondary to Group A Step
                      1. Determined by throat swab culture
                      2. Viral
                        1. May not show on throat culture but may be assumed if bacterial swab is negative
                        2. Acute
                          1. Chronic
                            1. May have extreme foul breath
                          2. Patho
                            1. Tonsillis are the filter of the mouth and throat
                              1. When
                              2. The tonsills are the filtration system for the mouth and throat
                                1. WBC come to the front line and fight
                                  1. Lymphocytes create antibodies that eat bacteria
                              3. Causes
                                1. Contagious; easily spread
                              4. Jennifer 2 years old last vital signs
                                1. Temp 102.8
                                  1. HR 128
                                    1. RR 24


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