Elkington's Triple Bottom Line


Mapa Mental sobre Elkington's Triple Bottom Line, criado por Shamil Jeeawoody em 06-11-2016.
Shamil Jeeawoody
Mapa Mental por Shamil Jeeawoody, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Shamil Jeeawoody
Criado por Shamil Jeeawoody mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Elkington's Triple Bottom Line
  1. What was Elkington's purpose for it?
    1. A way of thinking about a business's social responsibility and not just a method of measuring performance
    2. What are the three main areas?
      1. Profit
        1. Most familiar for managers
          1. Figures recorded in firm's financial statements
            1. Can help sustain the broader community in which the business operates
            2. People
              1. Social responsibility
                1. Managing its business to take into account the interests of society in general, especially stakeholders
                2. Health and safety matters
                  1. Safe working environments
                  2. Financial matters
                    1. Fair pay to employees
                      1. Paying suppliers fair prices promptly
                    2. Planet
                      1. Minimise impacts of activities on environment
                        1. Actions
                          1. Reducing carbon emissions, easily measurable
                            1. Reducing wate
                              1. Sustainable sources of raw materials
                        2. Benefits of using the triple bottom line
                          1. Encourages businesses to think beyond just profit
                          2. What is it?
                            1. Management tool allowing managers to think of the repercussions of their actions not just on profits but on society and the enironment
                            2. Limitations
                              1. Profit can be quantified whereas 'people' and 'planet' can only be measured qualitatively
                                1. The conventional way on measuring performance is through profits


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