Global scheduled obsolescence


Characteristics of scheduled obsolescence
duvar barreto
Mapa Mental por duvar barreto, atualizado more than 1 year ago
duvar barreto
Criado por duvar barreto mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Global scheduled obsolescence
  1. Objective of programmed obsolescence is immediate economic profit
    1. it means pollution
      1. Is the end-of-life determination or programming of a product
        1. Consists of buying, throwing, buying
          1. This affects all the beings that inhabit the planet
            1. In colombia
              1. In 2013 was passed Law 1672 on the integral management of waste electrical and electronic equipment
              2. Is an irrigation for health
                1. Contaminates the planet
                  1. Affects the poorest
                    1. It is not profitable to repair an electronic device
                      1. There is obsolescence for fashion
                        1. biological obsolescence
                          1. Obsolescence of medicines
                            1. Obsolescencia de software
                              1. Influences the engineering of the product
                                1. Determines the life cycle of a product


                                  Atos Administrativos
                                  Alynne Saraiva
                                  PESQUISA CIENTÍFICA NA PRÁTICA
                                  Direito Internacional Público
                                  Controle de Constitucionalidade
                                  Carlos Moradore
                                  Phrasal Verbs - Inglês #11
                                  Eduardo .
                                  Direito Penal I - Questões para a prova
                                  Silvio R. Urbano da Silva
                                  Anatomia Artérias
                                  Filipe Brito
                                  Absolutismo e Mercantilismo
                                  Professor Junior
                                  2a Lei de Mendel
                                  Andrea Barreto M. Da Poça