Marshall Plan 1947 - 1948


Mapa Mental sobre Marshall Plan 1947 - 1948, criado por Sophia Hinchliffe em 30-05-2017.
Sophia  Hinchliffe
Mapa Mental por Sophia Hinchliffe , atualizado more than 1 year ago
Sophia  Hinchliffe
Criado por Sophia Hinchliffe quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Marshall Plan 1947 - 1948
  1. Marshall Plan was were the USA offered financial aid to Europe, Western European countries accepted it more than Eastern countries
    1. its emphasis was on helping Europe recover from the damage of the war it gave over $17 billion in aid to countries e.g. Britain
      1. Marshall had hoped that giving economic aid to poor countries would deter them from voting for communist parts therefore helping containment of communism and stop it spreading to Western Europe
        1. countries which accepted it had to trade with the USA creating a market for US goods
          1. it worked ad helped countries to recover, the US also gave machinery helping factories recover, countries who accepted it began to prosper and the ones that didn't did not recover, living standards in the countries with marshall aid (the west) had much higher living standers than the ones that didn't (the east)
            1. for Stalin this was further proof for US aggression and that the US was trying to bribe countries to copy its capitalist ways and would not let the east take the money therefore dividing the continent


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