Learning Vocabulary


Mapa Mental sobre Learning Vocabulary, criado por b.pereira.p9749 em 27-05-2014.
Mapa Mental por b.pereira.p9749, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por b.pereira.p9749 quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Learning Vocabulary
  1. Learning is remembering
    1. steps of memory
      1. Short-term store
        1. It holds a limited number of items or information for a short period of time (some seconds)
        2. Working memory
          1. Transitory information in the mind
            1. articulatory loop
              1. It enables a person to remember short strings of words by rehearsing them repeatedly in his head
              2. mental sketch pad
            2. Long-term memory
              1. It has enormous capacity and its contents are durable over time
                1. principles to store information in the long term memory
                  1. Repetition
                    1. Repiting a word over spaced intervals
                    2. Retrieval
                      1. Recovering a word from memory
                      2. Spacing
                        1. Distributing memory work across a period of time (distributed practise)
                        2. Pacing
                          1. Doing learning process at learner's own pace
                          2. Use
                            1. Putting words to use ("use it or lose it")
                            2. Cognitive depths
                              1. Using cognitive strategies
                              2. Personal organizer
                                1. Personalized strategies developed by the learner
                                2. Imaging
                                  1. associate new word with mental images
                                  2. Mnemonics
                                    1. Hints the learner has to retrieve items or rules stored in his/her memory
                                    2. Motivation
                                      1. Being enthusiastic at learning new words
                                      2. Affective depths
                                        1. Making affective judgements about words
                                        2. Attention/arousal
                                          1. Being conscious and paying attention to what is being learned
                                3. Avoiding forgetting
                                  1. Retention of easy learned words
                                    1. Distributed practise
                                      1. Learning words over spaced learning sessions
                                      2. Reciycling
                                        1. Spaced review of loaned material
                                      3. Difficulties
                                        1. False friends
                                          1. actually ≠ actualmente
                                          2. pronunciation
                                            1. Otolaryngology
                                            2. Spelling
                                              1. misspell
                                              2. Length and complexity
                                                1. Antidisestablishmentarianism
                                                2. Grammar
                                                  1. phrasal verbs
                                                  2. Meaning
                                                    1. get
                                                    2. Range, connotation and idiomacity
                                                      1. English propaganda ≠ Spanish propaganda


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