40 Question quiz 17 (641-680)


Quiz on 40 Question quiz 17 (641-680), created by Daniel Neag on 09/12/2017.
Daniel Neag
Quiz by Daniel Neag, updated more than 1 year ago
Daniel Neag
Created by Daniel Neag almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

A company recently purchased a commercial off-the-shelf application to automate their bill paying process. They now plan to run an acceptance test against the package prior to putting it into production. Which of the following is their most likely reason for testing?
  • A. To build confidence in the application.
  • B. To detect bugs in the application.
  • C. To gather evidence for a lawsuit.
  • D. To train the users.

Question 2

According to the ISTQB Glossary, the word 'bug' is synonymous with which of the following words?
  • A. Incident
  • B. Defect
  • C. Mistake
  • D. Error

Question 3

According to the ISTQB Glossary, a risk relates to which of the following?
  • A. Negative feedback to the tester.
  • B. Negative consequences that will occur.
  • C. Negative consequences that could occur.
  • D. Negative consequences for the test object.

Question 4

Ensuring that test design starts during the requirements definition phase is important to enable which of the following test objectives?
  • A. Preventing defects in the system.
  • B. Finding defects through dynamic testing.
  • C. Gaining confidence in the system.
  • D. Finishing the project on time.

Question 5

A test team consistently finds between 90% and 95% of the defects present in the system under test. While the test manager understands that this is a good defect-detection percentage for her test team and industry, senior management and executives remain disappointed in the test group, saying that the test team misses too many bugs. Given that the users are generally happy with the system and that the failures which have occurred have generally been low impact, which of the following testing principles is most likely to help the test manager explain to these managers and executives why some defects are likely to be missed?
  • A. Exhaustive testing is impossible
  • B. Defect clustering
  • C. Pesticide paradox
  • D. Absence-of-errors fallacy

Question 6

According to the ISTQB Glossary, regression testing is required for what purpose?
  • A. To verify the success of corrective actions.
  • B. To prevent a task from being incorrectly considered completed.
  • C. To ensure that defects have not been introduced by a modification.
  • D. To motivate better unit testing by the programmers.

Question 7

Which of the following is most important to promote and maintain good relationships between testers and developers?
  • A. Understanding what managers value about testing.
  • B. Explaining test results in a neutral fashion.
  • C. Identifying potential customer work-arounds for bugs.
  • D. Promoting better quality software whenever possible.

Question 8

Which of the statements below is the best assessment of how the test principles apply across the test life cycle?
  • A. Test principles only affect the preparation for testing.
  • B. Test principles only affect test execution activities.
  • C. Test principles affect the early test activities such as review.
  • D. Test principles affect activities throughout the test life cycle.

Question 9

Using an error guessing test design technique to convert temperature (Celsius to Fahrenheit, and Fahrenheit to Celsius), experienced testers will MOST LIKELY use which set of test data?
  • A. -1, 0, 89.6 and 212
  • B. -40, 37.78, and 100
  • C. -1, 0, 1 and 37.78
  • D. -40, 0, 32 and 100

Question 10

Which option best describes objectives for test levels with a life cycle model?
  • A. Objectives should be generic for any test level.
  • B. Objectives are the same for each test level.
  • C. The objectives of a test level don't need to be defined in advance.
  • D. Each level has objectives specific to that level.

Question 11

Which of the following is a test type?
  • A. Component testing
  • B. Functional testing
  • C. System testing
  • D. Acceptance testing

Question 12

is a non-functional quality characteristic?
  • A. Feasibility
  • B. Usability
  • C. Maintenance
  • D. Regression

Question 13

Which of these is a functional test?
  • A. Measuring response time on an on-line booking system.
  • B. Checking the effect of high volumes of traffic in a call-center system.
  • C. Checking the on-line bookings screen information and the database contents against the information on the letter to the customers.
  • D. Checking how easy the system is to use.

Question 14

Which of the following is a true statement regarding the process of fixing emergency changes?
  • A. There is no time to test the change before it goes live, so only the best developers should do this work and should not involve testers as they slow down the process.
  • B. Just run the retest of the defect actually fixed.
  • C. Always run a full regression test of the whole system in case other parts of the system have been adversely affected.
  • D. Retest the changed area and then use risk assessment to decide on a reasonable subset of the whole regression test to run in case other parts of the system have been adversely affected.

Question 15

A regression test:
  • A. Is only run once.
  • B. Will always be automated.
  • C. Will check unchanged areas of the software to see if they have been affected.
  • D. Will check changed areas of the software to see if they have been affected.

Question 16

Non-functional testing includes:
  • A. Testing to see where the system does not function correctly.
  • B. Testing the quality attributes of the system including reliability and usability.
  • C. Gaining user approval for the system.
  • D. Testing a system feature using only the software required for that function.

Question 17

Which of the following artifacts can be examined by using review techniques?
  • A. Software code
  • B. Requirements specification
  • C. Test designs
  • D. All of the above

Question 18

Which statement about the function of a static analysis tool is true?
  • A. Gives quality information about the code without executing it.
  • B. Checks expected results against actual results.
  • C. Can detect memory leaks.
  • D. Gives information about what code has and has not been exercised.

Question 19

Which is not a type of review?
  • A. Walkthrough
  • B. Inspection
  • C. Informal review
  • D. Management approval

Question 20

What statement about reviews is true?
  • A. Inspections are led by a trained moderator, whereas technical reviews are not necessarily.
  • B. Technical reviews are led by a trained leader, inspections are not.
  • C. In a walkthrough, the author does not attend.
  • D. Participants for a walkthrough always need to be thoroughly trained.

Question 21

Which of the following faults can be found by a static analysis tool? I. Incorrect branch conditions logic. II. Variables which are used after being defined. III. Variables which are defined but never used. V. Standards violations V. Illegal calls to routines
  • A. III, IV and V
  • B. II only
  • B. I, II, III and IV
  • D. II, III, IV and V

Question 22

Which of the following characteristics and types of review processes belong together? 1. Led by the author 2. Undocumented 3. No management participation 4. Led by a trained moderator or leader 5. Uses entry and exit criteria s. Inspection t. Technical review u. Informal review v. Walkthrough
  • A. s = 4, t = 3, u = 2 and 5, v = 1
  • B. s = 4 and 5, t = 3, u = 2, v = 1
  • C. s = 1 and 5, t = 3, u = 2, v = 4
  • D. s = 5, t = 4, u = 3, v = 1 and 2

Question 23

What statement about static analysis is true?
  • A. With static analysis, defects can be found that are difficult to find with dynamic testing.
  • B. Compiling is not a form of static analysis.
  • C. When properly performed, static analysis makes functional testing redundant.
  • D. Static analysis finds all faults.

Question 24

Which of the following statements about early test design are true and which are false? 1. Defects found during early test design are more expensive to fix. 2. Early test design can find defects. 3. Early test design can cause changes to the requirements. 4. Early test design takes more effort.
  • A. 1 and 3 are true. 2 and 4 are false.
  • B. 2 is true. 1, 3 and 4 are false.
  • C. 2 and 3 are true. 1 and 4 are false.
  • D. 2, 3 and 4 are true. 1 is false.

Question 25

Static code analysis typically identifies all but one of the following problems. Which is it?
  • A. Unreachable code
  • B. Undeclared variables
  • C. Faults in the requirements
  • D. Too few comments

Question 26

In which document described in IEEE 829 would you find instructions for the steps to be taken for a test including set-up, logging, environment and measurement?
  • A. Test plan
  • B. Test design specification
  • C. Test case specification
  • D. Test procedure specification

Question 27

With a highly experienced tester with a good business background, which approach to defining test procedures would be effective and most efficient for a project under severe time pressure?
  • A. A high-level outline of the test conditions and general steps to take.
  • B. Every step in the test spelled out in detail.
  • C. A high-level outline of the test conditions with the steps to take discussed in detail with another experienced tester.
  • D. Detailed documentation of all test cases and careful records of each step taken in the testing.

Question 28

Put the test cases that implement the following test conditions into the best order for the test execution schedule, for a test that is checking modifications of customers on a database. 1. Print modified customer record. 2. Change customer address: house number and street name. 3. Capture and print the on-screen error message. 4. Change customer address: postal code. 5. Confirm existing customer is on the database by opening that record. 6. Close the customer record and close the database. 7. Try to add a new customer with no details at all.
  • A. 5, 4, 2, 1, 3, 7, 6
  • B. 4, 2, 5,1, 6, 7, 3
  • C. 5, 4, 2, 1, 7, 3, 6
  • D. 5,1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 6

Question 29

Why are both specification-based and structure-based testing techniques useful?
  • A. They find different types of defect.
  • B. Using more techniques is always better.
  • C. Both find the same types of defect.
  • D. Because specifications tend to be unstructured.

Question 30

What is a key characteristic of structure-based testing techniques?
  • A. They are mainly used to assess the structure of a specification.
  • B. They are used both to measure coverage and to design tests to increase coverage.
  • C. They are based on the skills and experience of the tester.
  • D. They use a formal or informal model of the software or component.

Question 31

Which of the following would be an example of decision-table testing for a financial application applied at the system-test level?
  • A. A table containing rules for combinations of inputs to two fields on a screen.
  • B. A table containing rules for interfaces between components.
  • C. A table containing rules for mortgage applications.
  • D. A table containing rules for chess.

Question 32

Which of the following could be a coverage measure for state transition testing? V. All states have been reached. W. The response time for each transaction is adequate. X. Every transition has been exercised. Y. All boundaries have been exercised. Z. Specific sequences of transitions have been exercised.
  • A. X, Y and Z
  • B. V, X, Y and Z
  • C. W,X and Y
  • D. V, X and Z

Question 33

Based on the IEEE Standard for Software Test Documentation (IEEE Std 829-1998), which sections of the test incident report should the following details be recorded? Sections a) Test incident report identifier b) Summary c) Incident description d) Impact Details 1. Unique identifier 2. Version level of the test items 3. Inputs 4. Expected results 5. Actual results 6. Anomalies 7. Dale and time
  • A. a: 1; b: 2 and 7; c: 3, 4 and 5; d: 6
  • B. a: 1; b: 6 and 7; c. 3, 4 and 5; d: 7
  • C. a: 1; b: 2; c: 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7
  • D. a: 1; b: 6 and 7: c: 3, 4 and 5

Question 34

Which of the following could be used to assess the coverage achieved for specification based (black-box) test techniques? V. Decision outcomes exercised W. Partitions exercised X. Boundaries exercised Y. State transitions exercised Z. Statements exercised
  • A. Y, W, V, or Z
  • B. W, X or Y
  • C. V, X or Z
  • D. W, X, Y or Z

Question 35

Which of the following is a potential pilot project objective when introducing a test support tool into an organization?
  • A. Measuring the satisfaction of management for staying within scope
  • B. Assessing whether the benefits will be achieved at reasonable cost
  • C. Receiving compliments from the users on the aesthetic aspects of the tool
  • D. Reducing the amount of overtime need to finish the project on time

Question 36

Use case testing is useful for which of the following? P. Designing acceptance tests with users or customers. Q. Making sure that the mainstream business processes are tested. R. Finding defects in the interaction between components. S. Identifying the maximum and minimum values for every input field. T. Identifying the percentage of statements exercised by a sets of tests.
  • A. P, Q and R
  • B. Q, S and T
  • C. P,Q and S
  • D. R, S and T

Question 37

Which of the following statements about the relationship between statement coverage and decision coverage is correct?
  • A. 100% decision coverage is achieved if statement coverage is greater than 90%.
  • B. 100% statement coverage is achieved if decision coverage is greater than 90%.
  • C. 100% decision coverage always means 100% statement coverage.
  • D. 100% statement coverage always means 100% decision coverage.

Question 38

If you are flying with an economy ticket, there is a possibility that you may get upgraded to business class, especially if you hold a gold card in the airline's frequent flier program. If you don't hold a gold card, there is a possibility that you will get 'bumped' off the flight if it is full and you check in late. This is shown in following Figure. Note that each box (i.e. statement) has been numbered. Three tests have been run: Test 1: Gold card holder who gets upgraded to business class Test 2: Non-gold card holder who stays in economy Test 3: A person who is bumped from the flight What is the statement coverage of these three tests?
  • A. 60%
  • B. 70%
  • C. 80%
  • D. 90%

Question 39

Why are error guessing and exploratory testing good to do?
  • A. They can find defects missed by specification-based and structure-based techniques.
  • B. They don't require any training to be as effective as formal techniques.
  • C. They can be used most effectively when there are good specifications.
  • D. They will ensure that all of the code or system is tested.

Question 40

How do experience-based techniques differ from specification-based techniques?
  • A. They depend on the tester's understanding of the way the system is structured rather than on a documented record of what the system should do.
  • B. They depend on having older testers rather than younger testers.
  • C. They depend on a documented record of what the system should do rather than on an individual's personal view.
  • D. They depend on an individual's personal view rather than on a documented record of what the system should do.
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