x-sectional anatomy


cross sectinal
Korie Hi
Quiz by Korie Hi, updated more than 1 year ago
Korie Hi
Created by Korie Hi over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

  • anterior cerebral arteries
  • genu of corpus callosum
  • caudate nucleus
  • claustrum
  • lentiform nucleus
  • posterior horn of lateral ventricle
  • splenium of corpus callosum

Question 2

  • bifurcation of internal carotid arteries
  • cerebral peduncle
  • cerebral aqueduct
  • corpora quadrigemina
  • bifurcation of basilar artery
  • straight sinus

Question 3

  • nasal bones
  • ethmoidal sinuses
  • optic nerve
  • sphenoidal sinuses
  • internal carotid artery
  • tentorium cerebelli
  • confluence of sinuses

Question 4

  • maxillary sinus
  • condyle of mandible
  • junction of the vertebral arteries
  • medulla oblongata
  • internal carotid artery
  • internal jugular vein
  • sigmoid sinus

Question 5

  • inferior nasal concha
  • mandibular ramus
  • nasopharynx
  • internal carotid artery
  • vertebral artery

Question 6

  • clavicle
  • manubrium
  • rib
  • ascending aorta
  • pulmonary artery
  • superior vena cava
  • right atrium
  • right ventricle

Question 7

  • liver
  • stomach
  • portal vein
  • splenic artery
  • hepatic flexure
  • common hepatic artery
  • superior mesenteric artery
  • inferior vena cava
  • descending colon
  • bifurcation of aorta
  • psoas muscle
  • ilium
  • bladder

Question 8

  • stomach
  • spleen
  • pancreas
  • aorta with origin of left renal artery
  • right kidney
  • psoas muscle
  • ilium
  • bladder
  • hip joint
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