

PO questions
Lars Devocht
Quiz by Lars Devocht, updated more than 1 year ago
Lars Devocht
Created by Lars Devocht about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

How can the success of the project be evaluated? (choose 2 answers)
  • Improved KPIs through frequent releases
  • Increased customer satisfaction
  • Delivering an Increment every Sprint
  • Lower production cost
  • Increased velocity

Question 2

The Product Owner is using burn-up charts instead of burn-down charts. What would be your response as the Scrum Master?
  • There's nothing wrong with it.
  • Burn-up charts are used in traditional methods and should be replaced by burn-down charts.

Question 3

How should developers deal with non-functional features?
  • Incorporate them info every Increment
  • Incorporate them before the release
  • Incorporate them in the hardening Sprint
  • Incorporate them in the integration Sprint

Question 4

When does the adaptation occur in Scrum?
  • During the Scrum events
  • Only at the Sprint Review
  • at the Daily Scrum
  • During the Sprint Planning

Question 5

A company has four products. Which two of the following are acceptable ways of forming Scrum teams?
  • There must be one PO for eacht product. It is not required to have one PO for two and more teams.
  • There can be one PO for each product
  • There can be a single PO for all products.
  • There must be a single PO for all products

Question 6

The Product Owner should use user stories to compose the Product Backlog items.
  • True
  • False

Question 7

During a Sprint Review, the stakeholders notice that the product development progress is not very clearly visible and lacked transparency. Moreover, they are not able to understand the team’s next steps. Who bears the primary responsibility for this status?
  • The Scrum Team
  • The Scrum Master
  • The Product Owner
  • The Development Team

Question 8

The Product Owner is responsible for preparing the Sprint Goal before the Sprint Planning.
  • True
  • False

Question 9

Which options are acceptable when the Product Owner wants to be informed of the progress in the middle of the Sprint? (Choose two answers)
  • Attend the Daily Scrums.
  • Ask the Scrum Master for daily briefs.
  • Check the task board in the project room (if exists)
  • Ask the Development Team for daily reports
  • Ask the team leader for daily briefs

Question 10

The Product Owner can delegate some of his/her responsibilities to the Development Team.
  • True
  • False

Question 11

Which of the following can be considered for ordering the Product Backlog?
  • Importance
  • Risk
  • User story size
  • Cost

Question 12

What’s the most important metric for a Product Owner to measure, in order to make the progress of the project clear?
  • The lines of code created
  • The forecasted completion date
  • The velocity

Question 13

When is it time to integrate the solution?
  • During the Sprint
  • At the end of the Sprint
  • Before releasing the Increment
  • At the end of the project

Question 14

Which of the following is the responsibility of the Product Owner? (select all that apply)
  • Breakdown epic user stories into smaller ones
  • Create user stories
  • Design software
  • Prioritize the Product Backlog
  • Volunteer for tasks

Question 15

A company has three products. Which two of the following are an acceptable way of forming Scrum teams?
  • There must be one PO for each product. It is not required to have one Product Owner for two and more teams.
  • There can be one PO for eacht product.
  • There can be a single PO for all products
  • There must be a single PO for all products

Question 16

Which of the following best describes transparency in Scrum?
  • The process should be visible, and understood by key stakeholders.
  • The whole process should be visible to everyone.
  • Significant aspects of the process must be visible to those responsible for the outcome.
  • The whole process should be visible to stakeholders.

Question 17

What is a right action from the Scrum Master in response to a Product Owner who has a problem managing the Product Backlog?
  • Extend the sprint, so that the PO has more time ordering items.
  • Help the PO to order the items.
  • Ask the Development Team help the PO understand the dependencies among items to be used ordering them.
  • Ask the customer to order the items instead of the PO.

Question 18

57 Correct10 Incorrect Which of the following are optional in Scrum? (Choose two answers)
  • Burn-down charts
  • Definition of Done
  • Velocity
  • Increment
  • Sprint Backlog

Question 19

How does Definition of “Done” help to the Scrum Team? Select the three most applicable items.
  • Guides the Development Team in knowing how many Product Backlog items it can select during a Sprint Planning
  • DoD ensures artefact transparency
  • DoD is used to assess when work is complete on the product Increment
  • DoD helps in enspection and adaption
  • DoD helps to calculate velocity of the Scrum Team

Question 20

Who is the most important stakeholder that the Product Owner should satisfy?
  • The end users
  • The developers
  • The higher managers
  • The Scrum Master
  • All stakeholders are equally important

Question 21

Which two statements are correct during the Sprint?
  • The scope may be clarified a more is learned
  • Some Sprint Backlog items will be replaced with items from the Product Backlog if the Sprint goal was changed
  • The scope may be re-negotiated as more is learned
  • Some Sprint Backlog items would be removed from the Sprint Backlog to the Product Backlog after the Product Owner confirmation

Question 22

What should the Product Owner do in the middle of the Sprint, when the Development Team realises they are not able to finish all the Sprint Backlog items?
  • Adjust the developes work to make sure they will meet the Sprint Goal
  • Help the developers adjust their work and meet the Sprint Goal
  • Cancel the Sprint
  • Remove some of the Product Backlog items from the Sprint Backlog

Question 23

What are the benefits of having tests in the definition of “Done”? (Choose three answers)
  • Increments would be closer to being potentially shippable
  • Increased transparency of the Increments
  • Increments would be more complete
  • Reporting would be easier for the project manager

Question 24

How should a Product Backlog item be refined when it is located at the top? (choose 2 answers)
  • It should be clear which developer is responsible for it.
  • In a way that it can be “Done” in the timeboxed duration of one Sprint
  • In a way that it’s clear enough for the developers.
  • All the tasks required for completing it should be identified.

Question 25

Product Backlog refinement is the act of … to the items in the Product Backlog.
  • Adding detail and estimates
  • Adding detail, estimates, and order
  • Adding estimates and order
  • Adding detail and order

Question 26

Which two of the following is true about Scrum?
  • Scrum is a methodology for managing complex projects
  • Scrum is a traditional process but with Sprints and related artefacts
  • Scrum is a framework for developing and maintaining complex products
  • Scrum is based on empirical process control theory

Question 27

Who supports the Scrum Master in removing impediments? (Choose 2 answers)
  • The Product Owner
  • The senior management
  • The customer
  • The Development Team

Question 28

A new Increment of working software must be available
  • Before each planned release
  • At the end of each Sprint
  • Every 3 Sprints
  • Whenever the user acceptance testing is done
  • When the Product Owner asks for it

Question 29

The Product Owner may choose to delegate the responsibility of estimating to the Development Team.
  • True
  • False

Question 30

The Product Owner “owns” the Product Backlog.
  • True
  • False

Question 31

Which of the following are ways for the stakeholders to interact with the Development Team? (choose 2 answers)
  • At the Sprint Planning
  • Via the Product Owner
  • At the Sprint Review
  • At the Daily Scrums
  • At the Sprint Retrospective

Question 32

The Product Owner has doubts about the quality of the definition of “Done”. What should s/he do?
  • Change the definition of done
  • Adjust the definition of “Done” at the end of the Sprint
  • increase product quality by adopting the definition of “Done” in the next Sprint Retrospective
  • Ask the company QA department to investigate the issue

Question 33

When should the Product Owner update the project plan?
  • The Product Backlog can be updated anytime
  • The project plan is updated after the Sprint review
  • The project plan is updated before the Sprint Planning

Question 34

Which of the following are optional in Scrum? (choose 2 answers)
  • Having potentially releasable Increments
  • Product Backlog
  • Measuring Sprint performance
  • Release plan
  • Velocity
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