ON3 Aseptics/Chemo Hazards


PHCY320 (Oncology) Quiz on ON3 Aseptics/Chemo Hazards, created by Mer Scott on 05/10/2019.
Mer Scott
Quiz by Mer Scott, updated more than 1 year ago
Mer Scott
Created by Mer Scott almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

[blank_start]Sterile[blank_end] means free from all microbiological contaminants i.e. living organisms, particles, and pyrogens. [blank_start]Aseptic[blank_end] means produced from sterile components in a sterile environment – however it does NOT guarantee sterility. Pharmacists generally work in [blank_start]aseptic[blank_end] conditions with [blank_start]sterile[blank_end] starting materials to prepare aseptic products.
  • Sterile
  • Aseptic
  • Aseptic
  • Sterile
  • aseptic
  • sterile
  • sterile
  • aseptic

Question 2

Contamination/L • Viable ([blank_start]live[blank_end]): Bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Administration of viable material could result in fever; infection; septicemia; multi-organ failure; death. • Non-viable: [blank_start]Undissolved[blank_end] particulate matter e.g. plastic or rubber material, glass shards, and chemical precipitates. Non-viable material may [blank_start]occlude[blank_end] vessels e.g. if >12 μm they may become trapped in the lungs leading to respiratory failure and death.
  • live
  • Undissolved
  • occlude

Question 3

What is laminar flow air?
  • Smooth, steady, constant flow.
  • Turbulent, rapid flow.

Question 4

Clean air eg a [blank_start]particle[blank_end]-free working environment, is made by drawing laminar air into the [blank_start]cabinet[blank_end], through the [blank_start]filtration[blank_end] system. • HEPA-filtered air ([blank_start]high-efficiency particulate air[blank_end] filter) • High airflow, [blank_start]constantly[blank_end] filtered and replenished
  • particle
  • cabinet
  • filtration
  • high-efficiency particulate air
  • constantly

Question 5

In horizontal air flow the product is protected but the operator is not. Vertical air flow protects both the product and operator.
  • True
  • False

Question 6

Choose the incorrect statement.
  • Critical points on equipment should never be exposed to clean air
  • Starting materials are removed from their outer wrapping before entering the clean room – minimises the generation of particulate matter in the clean room.
  • Needles are mostly used for one manipulation only, either withdrawing from a container or transferring into a container.
  • After spraying with 70% ethanol, allow time for the ethanol to evaporate.

Question 7

Critical Points on a Syringe: Any ‘connection’ point: • Tip of [blank_start]needle[blank_end] • Hub of needle & tip of filter • Hub of filter & tip of syringe • Syringe [blank_start]plunger[blank_end]
  • needle
  • plunger

Question 8

Pharmacist involvement: • [blank_start]Preparation[blank_end] of cytotoxics – Preserve safety of self and product • [blank_start]Dispensing[blank_end] of cytotoxics – Calculations – Precise and accurate [blank_start]instructions[blank_end] must be given • Advising nursing staff how to administer cytotoxic products • Providing medicines information and advice
  • Preparation
  • Dispensing
  • instructions

Question 9

Administration of any IV medicine carries a risk of extravasation ([blank_start]leakage[blank_end] from vein into tissue). This is NOT a side effect. Regarding extravasation: • Common term is “tissued” • Can result in pain, swelling, and [blank_start]damage[blank_end] at the injection site • If the drug is a [blank_start]vesicant[blank_end] (causes blistering) it can cause severe tissue damage and necrosis (and can continue for months after injury) • Oncology nurses take [blank_start]extreme[blank_end] care to ensure extravasation does not occur • Patients must be educated to report any discomfort and/or pain [blank_start]during[blank_end] administration
  • leakage
  • damage
  • vesicant
  • extreme
  • during

Question 10

Central lines (catheters for administration) • Via jugular or subclavian [blank_start]vein[blank_end] with tip at superior vena cava (e.g. Hickman port, double/single lumen). • PICC (peripherally-inserted central catheter), starts at the [blank_start]arm[blank_end] and is placed centrally
  • vein
  • arm

Question 11

Cytotoxic drugs are potentially lethal especially if delivered via the [blank_start]wrong[blank_end] route. • Dose varies [blank_start]greatly[blank_end] between intramuscular (IM), intravenous (IV), and intrathecal (IT – the space that holds the [blank_start]CSF[blank_end]) routes • The formulation may vary between routes eg [blank_start]Methotrexate[blank_end] is often given intrathecally, but [blank_start]vincristine[blank_end] is fatal by this route
  • wrong
  • greatly
  • CSF
  • vincristine
  • Methotrexate
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