Mat II


Quiz on Mat II, created by hoffa HOFFMAN on 27/12/2019.
Quiz by hoffa HOFFMAN, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hoffa HOFFMAN over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

41. A set of families has the following distribution on number of children: x1, x2 Determine , if it is known that M(x) = 2 D(x) =1.2 ?
  • a
  • b
  • c
  • d
  • e

Question 2

42. The lifetime of a machine part has a continuous distribution on the interval (0, 30) with probability density function Calculate the probability that the lifetime of the machine part is less than 6.
  • 30/53
  • 1/2
  • 31/35
  • 13/28
  • 1/17

Question 3

43. The lifetime of a machine part has a continuous distribution on the interval (0, 11) with probability density function Calculate the probability that the lifteime of the machine part is less than 5.
  • 1/17
  • 7/20
  • 10/11
  • 19/35
  • 7/11

Question 4

44. A random variable X is given by the density function of distribution:n Find the integral function of distribution of the random variable X?

Question 5

45. A random variable X is given by the density function of distribution: Find the integral function of distribution of the random variable X?

Question 6

47. A random variable X is given by the integral function of distribution: Find the mathematical expectation of the random variable X?
  • 15/4
  • 5
  • 5/2
  • 3/4
  • 1

Question 7

49. A random variable X is given by the integral function of distribution: If , then find the dispersion of the random variable X?
  • 1/3
  • 1
  • 0
  • 3/4
  • -2/3

Question 8

51. The lifetime in hours of a certain kind of radio tube is a random variable having a probability density function given by: What is the probability that exactly 1 of 5 such tubes in a radio set will have to be replaced within the first 150 hours of operation?
  • 80/243
  • 40/243
  • 0
  • 160/243
  • 1/3

Question 9

52. The lifetime in hours of a certain kind of radio tube is a random variable having a probability density function given by: What is the probability that exactly 3 of 5 such tubes in a radio set will have to be replaced within the first 150 hours of operation?
  • 80/243
  • 40/243
  • 0
  • 160/243
  • 1/3

Question 10

53. A random variable X is given by the integral function of distribution: Find the probability that random variable takes the values on .
  • 117/125
  • 208/125
  • 63/125
  • 113/125
  • 1/5

Question 11

54. A random variable X is given by the density function of distribution: Find the value of C?
  • 2
  • -1
  • 1
  • 3
  • -3

Question 12

56. A discrete random variable X is given by the following law of distribution: By using the Chebyshev inequality estimate the probability that |X – M(X)| > 3.
  • 1
  • 2/3
  • 1/6
  • 1/4
  • -1/2

Question 13

57. A discrete random variable X is given by the following law of distribution: By using the Chebyshev inequality estimate the probability that |X – M(X)| > 3.
  • 1
  • 2/3
  • 1/6
  • 1/4
  • -1/2

Question 14

58. A discrete random variable X is given by the following law of distribution: By using the Chebyshev inequality estimate the probability that |X – M(X)| > 3.
  • 1
  • 2/3
  • 1/6
  • 1/4
  • -1/2

Question 15

59. A discrete random variable X is given by the following law of distribution: By using the Chebyshev inequality estimate the probability that |X – M(X)| < 1.
  • 1
  • 2/3
  • 1/6
  • 1/4
  • -1/2

Question 16

60. A discrete random variable X is given by the following law of distribution: By using the Chebyshev inequality estimate the probability that |X – M(X)| > 1.
  • 1
  • 2/3
  • 1/6
  • 1/4
  • -1/2

Question 17

61. A discrete random variable X is given by the following law of distribution: By using the Chebyshev inequality estimate the probability that |X – M(X)| > 2.
  • 1
  • 2/3
  • 1/6
  • 1/4
  • -1/2

Question 18

62. A discrete random variable X is given by the following law of distribution: By using the Chebyshev inequality estimate the probability that |X – M(X)| > 3.
  • 1
  • 2/3
  • 1/6
  • 1/4
  • -1/2

Question 19

63. A discrete random variable X is given by the following law of distribution: By using the Chebyshev inequality estimate the probability that |X – M(X)| > 5.
  • 1
  • 2/3
  • 1/6
  • 1/4
  • -1/2

Question 20

64. A discrete random variable X is given by the following law of distribution: By using the Chebyshev inequality estimate the probability that |X – M(X)| > 4.
  • 1
  • 2/3
  • 1/6
  • 1/4
  • -1/2

Question 21

65. A discrete random variable X is given by the following law of distribution: By using the Chebyshev inequality estimate the probability that |X – M(X)| < 4.
  • 1
  • 2/3
  • 1/6
  • 1/4
  • -1/2

Question 22

66. The probability that a shooter will beat out 10 aces at one shot is equal to 0.1 and the probability to beat out 9 aces is equal to 0.3. Choose the correctly calculated probabilities of the events.
  • P(beat out more than 8 aces) = 0.5
  • P(beat out more than 10 aces) = 0.2
  • P(beat out 9 or less aces) = 0.9
  • P(beat out 9 or less aces) = 0.3
  • P(beat out 9 or more aces) = 0.3

Question 23

69. Three students pass an exam. Let be the event «the exam will be passed on “excellent” by the i-th student» (i = 1, 2, 3). Which of the following events correctly expressed by and their negations?
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Question 24

71. A random variable X is given by the integral function of distribution: What does this tell us about the random variable X? More than one option may be correct.
  • M (X) = 10
  • D(X) = 1/2
  • P (10 < X < 15) = 1/2
  • P (X < 0) = 0
  • M (X) = 3/10

Question 25

74. The probability that a shooter hit in a target at one shot is equal to 0.8. The shooter has made 3 shots. Choose the correctly calculated probabilities of the events.
  • P(at least 1 of 3 shots will strike the target)=0.384
  • P(at least 1 of 3 shots will strike the target)=0.992
  • P(at least 2 of 3 shots will not strike the target)=0.189
  • P(at least 2 of 3 shots will strike the target)=0.845
  • P(neither of 3 shots will strike the target)=0.8

Question 26

78. The probability to receive high dividends under shares at the first enterprise – 0.2, on the second – 0.35, on the third – 0.15. Choose the correctly calculated probabilities that a shareholder having shares of all the enterprises will receive high dividends.
  • P(at least on two enterprises) = 0.1315
  • P(exactly on two enterprises) = 0.4214
  • P(only at one enterprise) = 0.7
  • P(at least on one enterprise) = 0.4265
  • P(exactly on three enterprises) = 0.105

Question 27

79. The probability to receive high dividends under shares at the first enterprise – 0.2, on the second – 0.2, on the third – 0.3. Choose the correctly calculated probabilities that a shareholder having shares of all the enterprises will receive high dividends.
  • P(only at one enterprise)=0.416
  • P(only at one enterprise)=0.7
  • P(at least on one enterprise)=0.426
  • P(at least on two enterprises)=0.354
  • P(exactly on three enterprises)=0.105

Question 28

80. The first brigade has 6 tractors, and the second – 9. One tractor demands repair in each brigade. A tractor is chosen at random from each brigade. Choose the correctly calculated probabilities of events.
  • P(both chosen tractors demands repair)=1/54
  • P(one of the chosen tractors demands repair)=0.5
  • P(both chosen tractors demands repair)=0
  • P(both chosen tractors demands repair)=1/27
  • P(both chosen tractors are serviceable)=13/15

Question 29

81. The first brigade has 5 tractors, and the second – 8. One tractor demands repair in each brigade. A tractor is chosen at random from each brigade. Choose the correctly calculated probabilities of events.
  • P(one of the chosen tractors demands repair)=11/40
  • P(one of the chosen tractors demands repair)=7/40
  • P(both chosen tractors demands repair)=1/20
  • P(both chosen tractors demands repair)=1/2
  • P(both chosen tractors are serviceable)=1/3

Question 30

82. All of the letters that spell STUDENT are put into a bag. Choose the correctly calculated probabilities of events.
  • P(drawing a S, and then drawing a T)=1/21
  • P(drawing a T, and then drawing a D)=1/42
  • P(selecting a vowel, and then drawing a U)=1/42
  • P(selecting a vowel, and then drawing a K)=1/42
  • P(selecting a vowel, and then drawing a T)=3/42

Question 31

83. All of the letters that spell MISSISSIPPI are put into a bag. Choose the correctly calculated probabilities of events.
  • P(of selecting a vowel, and then after returning the letter also drawing a M)=4/121
  • P(of drawing an I, and then after returning the letter also drawing a M)=3/121
  • P(of selecting a vowel, and then after returning the letter also drawing an O)=4/121
  • P(of selecting a vowel, and then after returning the letter also drawing a P)=6/121
  • P(of drawing a M, and then after returning the letter also drawing a S)=1/121

Question 32

84. The first brigade has tractors n , and the second m . One tractor demands repair in each brigade. A tractor is chosen at random from each brigade. Choose the correctly calculated probabilities of events.
  • n=3, m=5, P(both chosen tractors demands repair)=1/15
  • n=3, m=6, P(one of the chosen tractors demands repair)=7/12
  • n=2, m=5, P(both chosen tractors demands repair)=0.3
  • n=2, m=3, P(both chosen tractors demands repair)=1/3
  • n=5, m=2, P(both chosen tractors are serviceable)=0.2

Question 33

85. A jar of marbles contains 4 blue marbles, 5 red marbles, 1 green marble, and 2 black marbles. A marble is chosen at random from the jar. After returning it again, a second marble is chosen. Choose the correctly calculated probabilities of events.
  • P(green, and then red)=5/144
  • P(black, and then black)=1/12
  • P(red, and then black)=7/72
  • P(green, and then blue)=1/72
  • P(blue, and then blue)=1/6

Question 34

86. If each of the regions in each spinner is the same size. Choose the correctly calculated probabilities of spinning each spinner.
  • P(getting a red sweater)=1/12
  • P(getting a white sweatshirt)=1/6
  • P(getting a white sweater)=5/12
  • P(getting a blue sweatshirt)=7/12
  • P(getting a blue t-shirt)=1/6

Question 35

88. Mary is playing a game in which she rolls one die and spins a spinner. Choose the correctly calculated probabilities of spinning each spinner.
  • P(get the 1 and green)=0
  • P(get the 7 and red)=1/18
  • P(get the 3 and green)=1/18
  • P(get the 2 and black)=1/4
  • P(get the 1 and white)=1

Question 36

90. Find the Bernoulli formula.

Question 37

92. A coming up a grain stored in a warehouse is equal to 50%. What is the probability that the number of came up grains among 100 ones will make from up to pieces (a grain – зерно)?
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Question 38

93. The probability of striking a target by a shooter at one shot is equal to 3/4 . Find the probability P that at 100 shots the target will be struck no less than a and no more b times.
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Question 39

94. The probability of striking a target by a shooter at one shot is equal to 1/4. Find the probability P that at 100 shots the target will be struck no less than a and no more b times.
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Question 40

95. Find approximately the probability that an event will happen exactly from a to b times at 400 trials if in each trial the probability of its occurrence is equal to 0.2.
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Question 41

96. Find approximately the probability that an event will happen exactly from a to b times at 484 trials if in each trial the probability of its occurrence is equal to 0.5.
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Question 42

97. A factory has sent 2500 good-quality products. The probability that one product has been damaged at a transportation is 1/5 . Find the probability P that at the transportation it will be damaged from to products.
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
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