

Quiz on Pinatubo case study
Sophie Struckmey
Quiz by Sophie Struckmey, updated more than 1 year ago
Sophie Struckmey
Created by Sophie Struckmey over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

The eruption took place in [blank_start]1991[blank_end], on a [blank_start]destructive[blank_end] plate boundary. The type of lava was [blank_start]rhyolite[blank_end], which is highly acidic and thick or [blank_start]viscous[blank_end]. The eruption killed [blank_start]6[blank_end] people initially, but later lahars killed [blank_start]77[blank_end] people. Monitoring was done with help from the USGS, which helped set up the [blank_start]PVO[blank_end]. Monitoring: - movement of magma tracked by string of earthquakes beneath volcano. This is monitored using [blank_start]seismographs[blank_end]. - CO2 levels measured using [blank_start]COSPEC[blank_end], rising levels indicate rising magma - Swelling of the summit/changes in mountain profile monitored using [blank_start]tiltmeters[blank_end] Mitigation: - Informed civil defense officials of potential hazard using [blank_start]volcanic hazard map[blank_end] - Devised a [blank_start]6[blank_end] point scale, alert levels for evacuation - video of [blank_start]pyroclastic flows & lahars[blank_end] to educate public about danger The main eruption sent ash cloud [blank_start]30[blank_end] kilometers into the air [blank_start]200,000[blank_end] people were displaced Primary impacts: Ash combined with rain from typhoon [blank_start]yanya[blank_end] [blank_start]10[blank_end]x the size of [blank_start]Mt. St. Helens[blank_end] Water contaminated Angeles covered in [blank_start]25 cm[blank_end] ash [blank_start]50,000[blank_end] ha crops destroyed [blank_start]600,000[blank_end] unemployed Long term: Deposited material mixed with monsoon rain to form lahars, which continued to result in death [blank_start]140[blank_end] evacuation centres
  • 1991
  • destructive
  • rhyolite
  • viscous
  • 6
  • 77
  • PVO
  • seismographs
  • tiltmeters
  • volcanic hazard map
  • 6
  • pyroclastic flows & lahars
  • 30
  • 200,000
  • yanya
  • 10
  • Mt. St. Helens
  • 25 cm
  • 50,000
  • 600,000
  • 140
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