Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity


Biology (Enzymes) Quiz on Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity, created by Daniel Brand on 03/03/2017.
Daniel Brand
Quiz by Daniel Brand, updated more than 1 year ago
Daniel Brand
Created by Daniel Brand over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

The main reason why rate of enzyme action increases with temperature initially is...
  • The kinetic energy of enzymes and substrates increases
  • Time passing, allowing more collisions to occur
  • The enzymes become denatured
  • More substrate is produced, therefore the enzymes become saturated

Question 2

The level of a condition at which enzymes work best is called the [blank_start]optimum[blank_end] temperature/pH/etc.
  • optimum

Question 3

Why do enzymes work less effectively in extreme pH, or in very high temperatures?
  • pH far from optimum affects bond interactions in the enzyme.
  • High temperatures provide enough kinetic energy to break bonds in the enzyme protein structure.
  • Enzymes become denatured.
  • Substrates have very high kinetic energy and collide too quickly with enzymes.
  • Enzyme tertiary structure changes.
  • The induced-fit hypothesis says that the active site tertiary structure remains constant when 'not occupied'.

Question 4

The optimum temperature for enzymes in the human body is 37 degrees C.
  • True
  • False

Question 5

Rate of reaction is proportional to..
  • The number of ESCs formed per second.
  • The number of enzyme proteins that become denatured by second.
  • The optimum temperature for a specific enzyme.
  • The solubility of ESCs formed in the reaction process.

Question 6

There is a [blank_start]positive[blank_end] correlation between substrate concentration and initial rate of reaction. However, past a point, the graph [blank_start]plateaus[blank_end]. This is because of [blank_start]a limiting factor[blank_end], which is the [blank_start]enzyme concentration[blank_end]. At this point and beyond, the enzymes are said to be [blank_start]saturated[blank_end].
  • positive
  • negative
  • inverse
  • trigonometric
  • plateaus
  • goes the opposite way
  • becomes inverted
  • decreases
  • a limiting factor
  • extreme pH
  • extreme temperature
  • denatured enzymes
  • enzyme concentration
  • substrate concentration
  • enzyme's optimum temperature
  • space available in the cell
  • saturated
  • denatured
  • acidic
  • dissolved

Question 7

Cells create one set of enzymes that last for the duration of the cell's life.
  • True
  • False

Question 8

Inhibitors that [blank_start]block[blank_end] the [blank_start]active site[blank_end] of enzymes are [blank_start]competitive[blank_end], whereas inhibitors that [blank_start]change[blank_end] the [blank_start]shape[blank_end] of enzymes are [blank_start]non-competitive[blank_end].
  • block
  • acidify
  • expose
  • signal
  • active site
  • tertiary structure
  • synthesis
  • degradation
  • competitive
  • non-competitive
  • change
  • block
  • expose
  • precipitate
  • shape
  • primary structure
  • kinetic energy
  • non-competitive
  • competitive

Question 9

Label the enzyme inhibition diagram.
  • Normal enzyme activity
  • Competitive inhibitor
  • Non-competitive inhibitor
  • Normal enzyme activity
  • Competitive inhibitor
  • Non-competitive inhibitor
  • Normal enzyme activity
  • Competitive inhibitor
  • Non-competitive inhibitor

Question 10

Which of the following statements are true about end product inhibition? Select all that apply.
  • Most metabolic reactions consist of one step.
  • An end product inhibits an enzyme that is responsible for its synthesis.
  • One product of the metabolic pathway inhibits the overall pathway.
  • The end product accumulates.

Question 11

[blank_start]Potassium cyanide[blank_end] is an inhibitor that is also a metabolic poison. In the body, it forms [blank_start]hydrogen cyanide[blank_end]. The [blank_start]cyanide[blank_end] ions bind [blank_start]irreversibly[blank_end] to [blank_start]mitochondria[blank_end] and prevent normal [blank_start]aerobic respiration[blank_end]. Snake venom contains [blank_start]acetylcholinesterase[blank_end], which prevents the breakdown of [blank_start]acetylcholine[blank_end], thereby preventing muscle relaxation. Various therapeutic drugs are available that work by inhibiting enzymes such as [blank_start]ACE[blank_end], [blank_start]proteases[blank_end], and [blank_start]ATPase[blank_end].
  • Potassium cyanide
  • Potassium hydrochloride
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • hydrogen cyanide
  • potassium ions
  • potassium hydrogen carbonate
  • cyanide
  • hydrogen
  • potassium
  • irreversibly
  • weakly
  • reversibly
  • mitochondria
  • DNA
  • the cytoskeleton
  • ATP synthase
  • aerobic respiration
  • protein synthesis
  • DNA replication
  • DNA reparation
  • acetylcholinesterase
  • acetylcholine
  • cholinesterase
  • GABAesterase
  • acetylcholine
  • acetylcholinesterase
  • glycogen
  • ATP
  • ACE
  • blood pressure
  • angiotensin
  • pepsin
  • proteases
  • proteins
  • starch
  • iodine
  • ATPase
  • ATP synthase
  • potassium cyanide
  • acetylcholine
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