
GCSE History (American West) Quiz on THE AMERICAN WEST - MORMONS QUIZ (GCSE History), created by Lauren Petrie on 09/06/2017.
Lauren Petrie
Quiz by Lauren Petrie, updated more than 1 year ago
Lauren Petrie
Created by Lauren Petrie over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

The Mormons were part of the [blank_start]early[blank_end] settlers between [blank_start]1830[blank_end] and [blank_start]1840[blank_end]
  • early
  • late
  • 1830
  • 1840
  • 1850
  • 1860

Question 2

HOW IT STARTED: A man called [blank_start]Joseph Smith[blank_end] claimed he saw a vision of an angel called [blank_start]Moroni[blank_end] in [blank_start]1823[blank_end]. The angel told Smith to find engraved plates on a hillside. He found and translated them which became [blank_start]the book of Mormon[blank_end] in [blank_start]1830[blank_end]. The book states how Jesus visited America after the Resurrection and that the Native Americans were descendants of 3 lost tribes from Israel.
  • Joseph Smith
  • Moroni
  • 1823
  • the book of Mormon
  • 1830

Question 3

Which of these were beliefs/followings of the Mormons?
  • Polygamy (multiple wives)
  • Mormons should convert more people to join them
  • Church leaders should seek political power
  • All property belonged to the church, not the individual people
  • They were the children of God and more important than non-Mormons
  • The world was going to end and they should follow Mormon teachings to be saved by God
  • They should respect and live in peace with nature
  • Only certain people should be Mormons as they were specially chosen by God

Question 4

It was [blank_start]Joseph Smith[blank_end] who created the Mormon religion and [blank_start]Brigham Young[blank_end] who lead them to Salt Lake City.
  • Joseph Smith
  • Brigham Young

Question 5

The whites did not like their beliefs for several reasons: [blank_start]Polygamy[blank_end] was seen as scandalous and as bad as slavery. [blank_start]Making others join their religion[blank_end] raised fears of domination and angered non-converts. [blank_start]Joining politics[blank_end] was a threat to non-converts who didn't want to follow Mormon rules. [blank_start]Group property[blank_end] was strange as individual property was very important to them. [blank_start]Belief they were God's children[blank_end] made them seem arrogant and pretentious to non-mormons.
  • Polygamy
  • Making others join their religion
  • Joining politics
  • Group property
  • Belief they were God's children

Question 6

First, the Mormons were in [blank_start]Kirtland[blank_end] (1831-1837), They then travelled to [blank_start]Missouri[blank_end] (1837-1838), Then [blank_start]Nauvoo, Illinois[blank_end] (1839-1846), Until Finally they settled in [blank_start]Salt Lake City[blank_end] in 1847 onwards.
  • Kirtland
  • Missouri
  • Nauvoo, Illinois
  • Salt Lake City

Question 7

Joseph Smith was arrested in 1844 in Nauvoo, Illinois and then killed in jail by an angry mob.
  • True
  • False

Question 8

How did Brigham Young lead the Mormons to Salt Lake City? He [blank_start]divided[blank_end] people into groups and sub groups, each with their own [blank_start]leader[blank_end] Taught them how to travel in columns and circles [blank_start]Strict rules[blank_end] that we enforced with punishment It was down to his exceptional [blank_start]organisation[blank_end] and [blank_start]leadership[blank_end] skills.
  • divided
  • leader
  • Strict rules
  • organisation
  • leadership

Question 9

When the Mormons arrived in Salt Lake City, the land was [blank_start]dry[blank_end] with [blank_start]harsh[blank_end] weather. This made the Mormons very [blank_start]uncertain[blank_end] about wanting to stay.
  • dry and unfertile
  • soft and fertile
  • dry but reasonably fertile
  • harsh
  • good
  • bearable
  • uncertain
  • certain
  • motivated

Question 10

As Salt Lake city was [blank_start]not a good[blank_end] place to start a civilisation when they arrived, the morale was very [blank_start]low[blank_end]. Brigham Young motivated people [blank_start]when they were thinking of giving up[blank_end] and encouraged many others to join them for, [blank_start]much needed[blank_end], help. It was because of Young's amazing leadership, enthusiasm, commitment and charisma that 'made the desert bloom'.
  • not a good
  • an excellent
  • low
  • high
  • when they were thinking of giving up
  • even more and made them a strong group
  • much needed
  • extra

Question 11

The first few months at Salt Lake were awful; many died because of cold and hunger and grasshoppers killed their crops in the summer. To fix this, Brigham Young knew they would need more [blank_start]people[blank_end] and become [blank_start]self sufficient[blank_end]. They began [blank_start]growing[blank_end] their own [blank_start]crops[blank_end] and didn't need to rely on anyone else.
  • people
  • self sufficient
  • growing
  • crops
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