
GCSE History (American West) Quiz on AMERICAN WEST - HOMESTEADERS QUIZ (GCSE History), created by Lauren Petrie on 10/06/2017.
Lauren Petrie
Quiz by Lauren Petrie, updated more than 1 year ago
Lauren Petrie
Created by Lauren Petrie over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

What were the pull and push factors Homesteaders had for moving West?
  • Free land
  • New start
  • Escape racism
  • Adventure
  • High unemployment
  • Expensive land
  • Economic crisis
  • Racism

Question 2

What problems did the homesteaders face in the West (more detail in the explanation)
  • Lack of technology
  • Weather
  • No civilisation
  • Infertile land
  • Lack of resources
  • Lack of water

Question 3

Lack of technology was a problem because not only were they too poor to afford technology, there wasn't much on offer until the 1870's, so most of the work had to be done by hand. The [blank_start]sod buster[blank_end] was invented in [blank_start]1872[blank_end] were steel tools that allowed farmers to plough their land as it was dry and hard. Made out of steel so they were strong so they didn't break. [blank_start]Barbed Wire[blank_end] was introduced in [blank_start]1874[blank_end], which helped keep wild animals and passing herds from destroying their crops, although did cause conflict between homesteaders and cowboys, who needed to pass through while on the long drive. The [blank_start]Wind Pump[blank_end] was also introduced in [blank_start]1874[blank_end] which allowed deep wells to be drilled down very deep to reach the water. A [blank_start]windmill[blank_end] was then built on top which constantly put pressure on the water and made it rise up. It greatly helped homesteaders get a better supply of water.
  • 1872
  • sod buster
  • Barbed Wire
  • 1874
  • Wind Pump
  • 1874
  • windmill

Question 4

The government did help the homesteaders in a variety of ways: They introduced the [blank_start]homestead[blank_end] act of [blank_start]1862[blank_end], [blank_start]timber culture[blank_end] act of [blank_start]1873[blank_end] and [blank_start]desert land[blank_end] act of [blank_start]1877[blank_end]. They funded the [blank_start]transcontinental[blank_end] [blank_start]railroad[blank_end] which improved transport and law and order. Controlled the Indians and put them on [blank_start]reservations[blank_end] so they couldn't bother the homesteaders Put out [blank_start]propaganda[blank_end] to encourage many others to move West Funded improvements to [blank_start]Law and Order[blank_end] which made life on the plains much more peaceful
  • 1862
  • homestead
  • timber culture
  • 1873
  • desert land
  • 1877
  • transcontinental
  • railroad
  • reservations
  • propaganda
  • Law and Order

Question 5

The Homesteaders were part of the [blank_start]late settlers[blank_end] from [blank_start]1850[blank_end]'s to [blank_start]1880[blank_end]'s
  • late settlers
  • early settlers
  • 1850
  • 1830
  • 1840
  • 1860
  • 1880
  • 1900
  • 1850
  • 1890

Question 6

What were the responsibilities women had on the Plains?
  • Maintained the gardens
  • Nursed the sick and helped in childbirth
  • Cared for life stock
  • Made household necessities (eg. clothing, soap, food, candles)
  • Housework and cleaning
  • Educating the children
  • Plough the fields
  • Travelled into town to trade goods
  • Help the men hunt

Question 7

Women and families were highly encouraged to move West from [blank_start]propaganda[blank_end] made by the government and the [blank_start]railroad[blank_end]. However when they got there they realised it was [blank_start]lawless[blank_end] and not a suitable place to raise children. To combat this, they formed [blank_start]social groups[blank_end], [blank_start]churches[blank_end] and [blank_start]schools[blank_end], while also demanding that the government do something to help. Women had a big impact to the improvement of [blank_start]Law and Order[blank_end] as they [blank_start]formed a community[blank_end] in the West.
  • propaganda
  • railroad
  • lawless
  • social groups
  • churches
  • schools
  • Law and Order
  • formed a community
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