Tutor Induction


This is compulsory tutor induction for all tutors teaching on South Tyneside Council funded provision.
peter mckenna
Slide Set by peter mckenna, updated more than 1 year ago
peter mckenna
Created by peter mckenna almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Tutor Induction
    Business, Employment & Skills Team Provider Tutor Induction 2017-2018  

Slide 2

    AGENDA    •   Standards and Expectations / Ofsted    •   Key Dates for Diaries    •   Key Changes for the 2017/18 Academic year    •   Quality Framework / ISO9001:2015 / Processes & Documentation    •   Professional Teaching Standards    •   Observation of Teaching, Learning & Assessment    •   Safety, Health, Equality, Diversity, Safeguarding (Prevent / British                      Values)    •   Compliance & Continuous Improvement    •   Close
    Tutor Induction

Slide 3

          •   Thank you for your support    •   Ofsted endorsed         - BES’ clear vision and strategy         - Partnership working to support more residents to           access jobs         - Commissioning of provision to meet sector needs         - Good outcomes for most courses
    Ofsted Feb 2017

Slide 4

       •         Job Outcomes and Progressions    •   Initial Assessment and Progress Tracking More Effectively – (RARPA and IAG)        The quality and outcomes for Study Programme learners    •   Maths and English outcomes    •BES need to set clear deadlines for the minority of sub-contractors          to improve quickly
    Need to improve

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    •Reconciliation Deadlines -31 October 2017 -31 January 2018 -28 April 2018 •Self-Assessment Template Submission -   25 November 2017 •Self-Assessment Validation Panels -   4, 6, 7 December 2017
    Key diary dates

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    •Stringent Course Approval process to ensure quality at the start – SOW and Lesson Plan – one per tutor •Initial Assessment on all courses – to identify the starting point of learners •RARPA – feedback at reviews must demonstrate progress and achievement •IAG – link to sector routeways, jobs and businesses, next steps in learning – evidenced in PLPs •Professional teaching standards for tutors •Provider’s own QA and observation processes
    Key changes

Slide 7

    •Overview of programme •A scheme for each substantial body of learning (eg. each BTEC/C&G unit) •SMART aims, objectives and outcomes •Sequenced learning activities, teaching strategies •Self-directed learning (independent / homework) •Range of assessment methods (Self/Peer/Tutor) •Opportunities to promote and embed key themes of: Equality & Diversity & British Values , Health & Safety, Safeguarding, maths and English
    Schemes of Work

Slide 8

    •Overview of programme •A scheme for each substantial body of learning (eg. each BTEC/C&G unit) •SMART aims, objectives and outcomes •Sequenced learning activities, teaching strategies •Self-directed learning (independent / homework) •Range of assessment methods (Self/Peer/Tutor) •Opportunities to promote and embed key themes of: Equality & Diversity & British Values , Health & Safety, Safeguarding, maths and English
    Lesson Plans

Slide 9

    •Scheme of Work •Lesson Plan •Personal Learning Plans •Reminder about recording RARPA and Progress Tracking •Reminder about recording IAG – start, middle, end •Group Profile •“Building on the starting points of learners” activity
    Walkthrough Standard Documentation

Slide 10

    Choose a course that you deliver •Devise up to 3 questions each on maths, English, use of technology, experience of the topic •How will you categorise your learner into Advanced, Beginner, Intermediate (A, B, I method) •How will you differentiate learning goals •What extension tasks will you consider for A learners •How will you demonstrate “stretch and challenge” for all learners •Peer assess and discuss
    Building on the starting points of learners

Slide 11

    •Condensed guide to our joint working arrangements •ISO9001:2015 principles •Appendices and master documents •Emphasis on provider quality assurance arrangements •Demonstration of web link to QF, appendices and master documentation •Include Teaching & Learning section – course approval and observations core documentation  
    Quality Framework 2017/18

Slide 12

    •73% Good or Better (81% 2015/2016) •Direct observations by BES showed 62% Good or Better •Provider’s own observations showed 95% Good or Better – over-grading potentially •Schemes of Work/Lesson Plans not quality assured by providers •Maths and English not sufficiently embedded •Insufficient “stretch and challenge”
    Observation of Teaching, Learning, Assessment & reviews

Slide 13

    •Protocol & Process •Visit / Joint Observe / Ratify Providers’ own observation arrangements •Direct observation of priority areas e.g. study programmes, English, Maths, Workplace •Autumn Term – Priority Visits to New Providers
    Observations 2017/18

Slide 14

    •Demonstration of web link •BES long term strategy for teaching staff qualifications over 2 – 3 years •Provider self / peer assessment and development •2018-2019 expectations of tutor qualifications •Minimum Level 2 Maths and English qualifications •Minimum Level 4 teaching qualification from Sept 2018
    Professional Teaching Standards

Slide 15

    •An appropriate teaching qualification •To teach maths, English, ESOL or SEND it is expected that you have the relevant specialist Level  5 qualification or equivalent •Tutors should have a subject specific qualification at least one level above that which they are teaching •Tutors to have at least equivalent Level 2 in English and maths •Relevant occupational experience
    Tutor qualifications

Slide 16

    All teaching staff are expected to: •develop the reading, writing, communication and mathematical skills of the learners they teach •assess learners’ achievement and plan and teach lessons that enable learners, including those who are disabled and/or have special educational needs, to make at least expected progress •use a range of approaches to teaching and learning, including information and communication technology (ICT) and educational technology where relevant •All staff are therefore expected to have current qualifications in English and maths to a minimum of Level 2 in order to implement the Minimum Core requirements.
    The Minimum core - Teaching Requirements

Slide 17

    A set of expectations of teachers and trainers with the overall purpose being to maintain and improve standards of teaching and learning, and outcomes for learners.  3 key themes within the standards: •Professional values and attributes – for tutors to develop their own judgement of what works and does not work in teaching and learning. •Professional knowledge and understanding – develop deep and critically informed knowledge and understanding in theory and practice. •Professional skills – develop expertise and skills to ensure the best outcomes for learners •
    The 2014 professional Standards

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