Mia Private Utilities, LLC


MIA Private Utilities, LLC, specializes in identifying and locating underground utilities that are not covered by the 811 service including Gas and Oil pipelines, Water, Communication, Electric, Waste Water, Fiber Optic, and others.
Douglas R Williams
Slide Set by Douglas R Williams, updated more than 1 year ago
Douglas R Williams
Created by Douglas R Williams almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Private Utility Locator Missouri
    For whatever purpose, if going to dig the ground take a smart step and call the private utility locator of MIA Private Utilities, LLC., in Missouri first. We specialize in identifying and locating underground utilities that are not covered by the 811 services.

Slide 2

    Private Utility Companies Missouri
    Have to dig the ground? Wait for a while! Chances are there can be pipelines of gas, oil, water or other fiber optic inside the ground. So, take a wise step and contact MIA Private Utilities, LLC. As one of the leading private utility companies in Missouri, our approach to utility locating is based on over 20 years of field experience and meet NULCA competency Standards and other important requirements.
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