55. People are motivated by progress, mastery, and control


Slide Set on 55. People are motivated by progress, mastery, and control, created by Ngoc Le on 20/01/2019.
Ngoc Le
Slide Set by Ngoc Le, updated more than 1 year ago
Ngoc Le
Created by Ngoc Le over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    When people can see and track progress, they are more motivated to complete their goals. This relates to the 50th thing every designer needs to know about people and can be found several chapters before this one. Hint, go faster, you're almost there.
    Caption: : Image credit: canbedone - Fotolia

Slide 2

    Why is it that we do some things for free when they don't involve monetary rewards? Because sometimes we just want to get better at something and master it. The accomplishment we feel along with the knowledge and mastery is the intrinsic reward we are giving to ourselves.
    Caption: : Image Creator: Picasa

Slide 3

    Wanting to master and control something is the motivation that keeps us doing the things we love. We want to get better and better and learn as much as we can about things that interest us. In Daniel Pink's book Drive, he says that mastery is like an asymptote in the way that it is something that can never fully be reached, but that doesn't stop us from trying.
    Caption: : Image from timtopham.com
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