C2 4.1 How Fast?


Rates of Chemical Reaction, Measuring rates of reaction, Mean rate of reaction.
Meredith Fletcher
Slide Set by Meredith Fletcher, updated more than 1 year ago
Meredith Fletcher
Created by Meredith Fletcher over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    C2 4.1 How Fast?
    Measuring the amount of reactants which are used up over time or the amount of products made over time are two ways of finding out the rat of reaction. The slope of the lines on graphs drawn from these experiments tells us about the rate at any given time.

Slide 2

    Rates of Chemical Reaction
    The rate of chemical reaction tells us how fast reactants are turned into products. Industrial chemical processes must happen in a controlled and at a safe speed (economic).

Slide 3

    Measuring rate of reaction
    Measuring how quickly reatants are used up in a chemical reaction. Reactants --> Products Measuring how quickly products are made in a reaction.

Slide 4

    How to measure the rate of reaction
    Measure decreasing mass of rection mixture. Measure volume of gas given off. Measure decrease in light passing through a solution.
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