Unit 4. Weekly Challenges , e-activity for the project


Weekly Challenges , current section e-activity for the project
Slide Set by gordana.dragusica, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by gordana.dragusica over 8 years ago

Resource summary

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    Unit 4: Collaboration in eTwinningGordana DragusicaOsijek,Croatia13 June, 2016
    MOOC "Open eTwinning"

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    AGE: 15-17 PARTNERS: 2-5AREAS: Foreign Languages, Informatics/ICT, Geography LANGUAGE: English TOOLS TO BE USED: e-mail, Project Diary, Twinspace, JOOMAG,GoConqr,Kahoot, Nearpod, PhotoPeach, Edmodo,Thinklink, Socrative,Google docs,SurveyMonkey ,Wikis,. Padlet,.Youtube,... DURATION: 1 school year
    NAME: E - Classroom

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    This project aims to improve students' ICT skills, broaden their knowledge in Geography and Foreign Languages. They will develop collaborative skills and become familiar with digital tools through creating interactive reports, films, presentations, videos, surveys, slide shows and e-book. Teachers from the partner schools get in touch with each other and check their availability (days, times, contact addresses, etc.). All students take part in creating a logo of the project with the help of Internet tools. We choose the best logo, students vote online.  The students prepare mini presentation on their class, city and country. They can present their class to their partners using Nearpod or Elluminate Virtual Classroom or Skype. Each partner school together with their teacher prepares one digital tool each month. The first task is to introduce the tool and present it to all partner schools. The second task is to create a lesson using the tool. They can practice their lesson on their own class. Finally, they have to create follow up activity (they can create a fun learning game, 'kahoots'). Finally, all the materials will be gathered from all partner schools and presented as a class project  E- Book and shared on all social media ( webpage, FB, Twitter,Twinspace, blogs). The E– Book can be used as a Course book.

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    The students are • to develop their language skills, broaden knowledge about computer skills •to take part in workshops devoted to practical classes focusing on computer skills and internet usage (useful websites, e-learning) and project work • to increase students’ skill and confidence in the use of some computer applications • to use programmes to which they are introduced and to learn to adapt some ready-made programmes to their particular classroom requirements • to establish contacts and share information with students from a variety of European backgrounds and facilitate future networking • to produce a short course on our platform

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     September: - Teachers use emails and the TwinSpace to plan the details of the activities and the timeline. They also introduce students to the use of the TwinSpace.  Getting to know each other : students upload a photo of themselves on the TwinSpace. Students create their presentations ( Nearpod or Elluminate Virtual Classroom or Skype, ThingLink ). Creating a logo of the project with the help ofInternet tools.
    October – November – December – Jauary – February – March – April - Collecting and sorting the materials- Preparing and creating presentations and lessons - Collaboration between partner schools through socialmedia -Teachers and pupils will make presentations to the other partners involved as well as to otherclasses or schools in their regionMay – June - The materials are gathered and the final project E – Book is published - sharing throughsocial media - Evaluation ( a final online questionnaire and survey , interviews on the project) - A goodbyeactivity: Goodbye massages and pictures on the notice board ( padlet.com or Mural.ly ).

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    Students and teachers introduce themselves and discuss their interests, hobbies, likes and dislikes. Students and teachers from all partner schools take photos  or draw self-portraits using an online drawing tool. Each student and teacher should upload his/her image and add tags to help others get to know him or her.  For example, create a tag or link to a photo, video, or audio file to describe his/her: Favorite subjects / Hobbies or sports / Ancestry / Map with places they've lived or visited / Favorite song, band or group / Favorite TV show, website, or gameUSE OF TECHNOLOGY: https://www.thinglink.comCOLLABORATION: Students and teachers are working together on the same final objectFINAL PRODUCTS: An Interactive ImagePEDAGOGICAL OBJECTIVES: Students and teachers participate in activity that helps them to get to know each other
    1.Get to Know Each Other - e Activity

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    2. Creating a logo of the project - e Activity
    Once the students and teachers know each other, they start working on the first part of the project: They are to design a common logo on-line using a tool  Collaborative Whiteboard ( http://www.drawitlive.com )Draw it Live is a free application that allows you to work together with other people to draw in real time.  You simply create a whiteboard and share its URL to allow other people to join in. No password is required, and no special plugins are required. Just click on the link, type in your name, and start drawing and chatting with your friends.The students and teachers  then vote for the best logo to represent the project. http://www.tricider.com/USE OF TECHNOLOGY: http://www.drawitlive.com, http://www.tricider.com/COLLABORATION: Students and teachers are working together on the same final object - drawing in real timeFINAL PRODUCTS: An Interactive ImagePEDAGOGICAL OBJECTIVES: Students and teachers participate in warm up activity that gives them one more possibility to communicate and get know each other

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    We'll create an E–book and a Website of our project. Students and teachers will establish new contactsand partners for new projects. Students will broaden their knowledge in areas such as English, Geography and ICT. They willbecome familiar with the newest Internet sites, and perfect teamwork and self-presentation skills. The teachers involved in theproject will also improve their ICT skills and develop their teaching techniques.

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    A full evaluation will be provided with a final online questionnaire and survey which will focus on the aims of thefinal result of the project. Teachers and students will be encouraged to keep in contact through private social networking.
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