AHL 9.5 Doppler Effect Lesson 2


Flipped classroom lesson 2 on Doppler Effect - solving doppler effect problems.
Jeffrey Piggott
Slide Set by Jeffrey Piggott, updated more than 1 year ago
Jeffrey Piggott
Created by Jeffrey Piggott about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    AHL 9.5 Doppler Effect Lesson 2 [slide 1]
    Applications and skills: • Sketching and interpreting the Doppler effect when there is relative motion between source and observer • Describing situations where the Doppler effect can be utilized • Solving problems involving the change in frequency or wavelength observed due to the Doppler effect to determine the velocity of the source/observer.

Slide 2

    AHL 9.5 Doppler Effect Lesson 2 [slide 2]
    What you need to do in this flipped lesson:1. Study carefully the slides which show worked examples of Doppler Effect problems.  2. Follow the link to the Scribblar Room where there is an embedded pdf of Doppler Effect  problems with final answers provided. The task is to provide the correct working. There is space to the right of the problem sheet to show how to solve each of the different problems. If you can enter the working needed to answer part(s) of any problem, enter your working and/or reasoning. Just looking at the solutions entered by others is helpful, but you will gain more by attempting to provide working or reasoning for questions yourself. 3. Write an honest reflection on this activity in your Physics workbook. 

Slide 3

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Slide 6

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Slide 8

Slide 9

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Slide 11

Slide 12

Slide 13

    Now it is time for you to work collaboratively on some doppler effect problems.  Click on the link below: LINK TO SCRIBBLAR ROOM WITH DOPPLER EFFECT PROBLEMSRemember:If you can enter the working needed to answer part(s) of any problem, enter your working and/or reasoning. Just looking at the solutions entered by others is helpful, but you will gain more by attempting to provide working or reasoning for questions yourself.Be respectful to your peers!
    AHL 9.5 Doppler Effect Lesson 2 [slide 13]
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