Understanding characters in C19th prose fiction


A resource introducing learners to the concept of archetypal characters in C19th prose and helping learners to analyse characters as literary devices.
Sarah Holmes
Slide Set by Sarah Holmes, updated more than 1 year ago
Sarah Holmes
Created by Sarah Holmes almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

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    Understanding characters in C19th prose
    Many of the characters that we find in C19th prose fiction represent certain types of people, social attitude and values or the personification of particular aspects of human nature. The term for such characters is 'archetype' which simply means a very typical example of a certain person, idea or thing.Through these archetypes writers present their own ideas and perspectives about human nature, society and the attitudes and values which existed at the time they were writing. The characters in C19th prose therefore are a useful source when trying to identify the writer's ideas and perspectives and also help us to understand the historical, social and cultural context for these texts.In this activity you are going to be introduced to the most common archetypes in C19th prose fiction and explore the ways in which you can analyse them in order to comment on the ideas and perspectives offered by writers of prose fiction in teh C19th. You will need to draw on your knowledge of the various contexts for prose during this period which you will have gained whilst exploring the interactive timeline.

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    Flat and rounded characters
    Characters can be described as either 'flat' meaning that they simply represent a single idea or quality and lack the complexity and depth of real-life people. Alternatively they can be described as 'rounded' meaning that whilst they might be an archetype they are more complex in their temperament and motivations and so appear to the reader more realistic as they have the sort of depth and complexity of real-life people.Use the resource opposite to develop an understanding of the difference between flat and rounded characters

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    Ways of establishing character
    There are two distinct ways in which writers establish their characters which can most easily be described as either showing or telling.When a writer establishes a character by showing they will show the character speaking, interacting with other characters and carrying out various actions but the writer will not intervene to make any comment about what the character says or does; they leave the reader alone to form their opinions, as we would when we meet people in real life.When a writer establishes a character by telling they will stil show them speaking and interacting but the writer will intervene, usually as an omniscient narrator, to comment on what the character is saying or doing in order to shape the reader's impression of the character in a particular way.

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    Understanding how characters are used
    When writing about characters in C19th prose fiction it is important to remember that they are there to serve the plot and convey particular ideas to the reader and not make the mistake of writing about them as if they are real people even when they are fully rounded characters.Please read the extract from Pride and Prejudice before accessing the resource opposite.Use the resource opposite to develop your ability to see the characters in C19th prose fiction as literary devices and your understanding of how to write about them in terms of the ideas and perspectives offered by the writer.
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