Radio Advert Writing


steps to write a radio advert
Shannon  Clarke
Slide Set by Shannon Clarke , updated more than 1 year ago
Shannon  Clarke
Created by Shannon Clarke almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Radio Advert Writing : Part 1 
    A radio advert can last 15, 30 or 60 seconds so the first step for us would be to decide the length of our advert. Usually, if something is well known to the audience then the advert lasts a shorter time because its already been heard of, therefore people know it. As our newspaper is local it may need a slightly longer length like 30 seconds to get people to remember, however a 60 second advert would allow us to be more thorough in what we advertise.  

Slide 2

    Part 2 
    The next thing we would need to consider is the style of our radio advert as this could determine whether or not people read our newspaper. The style could be a 'straight announcer' whereby the provide open ended questions but they talk about the basic facts that the audience should know. It could be that we advertise through dialogue and produce a conversation between people that the audience can listen to, it can be that one person has a problem and the other person provides the solution. Another style could be including testimonials about how people have benefited from local news rather than whats going on within their county. 

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    Part 3
    We would then need to look into how to go about writing the radio advert. One of these ways is to research into other radio adverts for newspapers and take inspiration from them in order to create our own but when doing this we will need to think of our target audience and direct the advert towards them. We would also need the advert to be engaging and simple due to listeners tuning out during this time, therefore we need to compensate for this by having it short and simple that captivates the audiences attention. The radio advert needs to tell the audience the call of action whether thats to buy something or to read local newspapers, therefore this would need to be part of the advert. Also, if it is appropriate for our advert, using sound effects or music in the background can help the audience to visualise something, meaning they are more likely to listen, however with a newspaper advertisement it may be that sound effects won't accompany the purpose of it. 

Slide 4

    Part 4
    Before writing the radio advert, we would need to consider our target audience as the tone and content will be dependant upon this. Once this has been done, we would need to consider how they would benefit from this and why it is important that they listen to the advert otherwise the advertisement may not be convincing and therefore listeners tune out. 
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