Voc-Business Talk Idioms 1


EN-B1-B2-Introduction, Small Talk Vocable
Karl Ecke
Flashcards by Karl Ecke, updated more than 1 year ago
Karl Ecke
Created by Karl Ecke almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Begrüßung formell Hi Hello How are You Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening
Vorstellung Formal let me introduce you to Ms... may I introduce you to Ms... Say hello to my collegue Ms ... Here is my dear collegue/friend ...
Begrüßung informell Hi Are you alright Hey Hey Dude How is it going? Whats up?
Verabschiedung formell Best/Kind Regards Best/Kind Wishes See you later See you in a bit/while
Verabschiedung informell Bye bye bye in a bizzle
Mail rules: Opener - Greeting formal Opener - Greeting informal Dear Sir, .... Yours faithfully Dear Dave, .... Yours sincerely
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